Wednesday, September 15, 2010

4 years ago today...

I lost my Dad to MS. It is still as painful today, as it was 4 years ago, although its a different pain.
I still miss him dreadfully. I miss our talks, I miss being a daughter, I just miss him like crazy!

Love you lots, miss you lots Dad xxx


  1. i know what you are going through!!

  2. I am right there with you. It will be four years November 18 I lost my beloved Grandfather the only man who has ever truly loved me beside my sweet husband who has been my rock...I know your pain trust me. I feel it everyday! Hugs to you!!!

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  4. Soo sorry for your loss and I understand. My Daddy was lost to cancer four years ago this past July and we walk every year as a family for my 39 year old sister who currently suffers from MS.
    Praying for strength for you

  5. Sending hugs your way today, Anna. I lost my brother to cancer five years ago. It's a loss that never truly goes away--you just learn to live with it.

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