Sunday, October 03, 2010

Catch Up

Do you have those weekends where all you want/need to do is close the curtains , lock the doors and have some family time curled up on the sofa?
Well this weekend has kinda been one of those for us. We have been out and about, but in general its been movies, cuddles and comfort food all weekend!
The weather is horrid here in the UK. Gale force winds, rain and cold one minute warm the next!
The girls spent Sarurday night at nana's, and we had Mel and Mike round for a Mexican meal, The Inbetweeners, Rock Band and 1 too many drinks! So I do have to admit that a lazy comfirt day today was very much needed!

Carrying on from my last post, here are a couple of photos I took of the girls, my reluctant models!
I can only load this one of Lilly at the moment. Anyone else having blogger problems uploaidng photos?

Pencil Lines sketch 207 is live with Tamar, the owner of Tarisota; a gorgeous craft site full of inspiration and vintage finds.
Hope you had a lovely weekend. Tomorrow I will be back with Inspiration Monday and some layouts from a previous Inspiration colour combo.
Thanks for stopping by
Anna xx


  1. We had torrential rains here in the States on Friday--dried out on Saturday--chilly today and rain expected at any time now; so I know what you mean by just wanting to stay indoors. Just made a yummy poppyseed chicken casserole dish to pop in the oven and also a bit of homemade chicken noodle/corn soup. The photo of Lilly is gorgeous.

  2. I can't get blogger to upload more than 1 photo at a time, very frustrating!!!


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