Friday, October 29, 2010

Rock Chic

My eldest daughter, my first born, my dear 10 year old girl, Izzy, is a "Wanna be Rock Chic". Loves the black and blue denim jean look, has her eye on mums (size 10, ) leather jacket that I really did wear one day, and you end up with a trip to a graffiti wall on the side of the A1 South Bound, armed with a Rock Band mike and mike stand and a set of drum sticks.

We had an absolute blast

These are just a few favs

Edited with lots of POP!

Is the inner Rock Chic in you wanting to come out and play? Then email me to book a fun mini session for details!
In fact these may have got me wanting to scrap again!!!

Thanks for stopping by!
Anna x

Edited : Paint the Moon Essential and Makeover actions and optimized for the web
PS: Please let me know if you have issues  viewing my images. I am viewing in firefox


  1. omyGOODNESS!!!! Anna! These are totally RockStar FABulous!!!! Totally diggin them!

  2. LOL, you've finally given in to the fact that the jacket WILL be hers?! Love the ones of her with the mic!

  3. Oh WOW Anna, these are just totally amazing photos! Izzy looks amazing! I want photos like that!!!!

  4. lol these are so fun to see!! your daughter is growing up so fast! :)


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