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About Me

Married to my soulmate with 2 beautiful girls,and our English Springer Spaniel, Suki. Living a country life in Cambridgeshire, whilst baking, gardening, and photographing our daily lifes, where they find a place on my scrapbook pages.

My little place on the web

This blog is just that, my little place on the web.You will find my daily (or not so daily, hehe)life, my love for my new vegetable garden, baking, photography and my scrapbooking!

My Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking is a way of life for me now.It has been for over 4 years. I love journaling, taking photos of my family and love colour and texture, these are all part of my everyday life and scrapbooking.


blogged by me domestic goddess On 12/06/2006 10:23:00 AM
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Yep the dreaded pre Christmas lurgy has found its way to Southoe, leaving me feeling uninspired and asleep for most of the day. Bless Lilly, she just sits and watches DVD's and snuggles in my arms while I snooze. I was in bed at 9pm last night and slept right through......
Yesterday Izzy and her Rainbow group sang Christmas songs and Carols at Harwdwick Dean residential home. I was armed with tissues and camera for this event. Now the tissues were for my nose, but ended up moping up tears as I broke down as soon as we headed into the dining room. I hadn't given a thought that this may effect me, but boy it sure did. I felt so stupid. But after a good sob, dried my eyes and got snapping some photos.
After singing and giving out decorated boxes of chocolates it was time for a group shot. The girls really enjoyed having their photo taken, and I was asked to take a copy to the home.
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So much happening at this time year isn't there. Lilly is off to Izzy's school to watch the Nativity Play on Friday, we have our invites for Tuesday night, and yes I will be armed with camera, tripod and video camera!. This weekend we have the Chris tingle Service at the village church and will be popping our decs up at home.
BTW, anyone else having problems uploading photos to blogger? I have had to use photo bucket today!
That's all folks,
Anna x

2 Response to 'Lurgy'

  1. Anonymous Said,'> 11:00 PM

    Get rid of those germs before Friday!! xx


  2. scrapdolly Said,'> 7:37 PM

    Anna I am so sorry the lurgy has attacked (It is on it's way here too ... starting with Nij)
    Love the photo of them singing and I bet you did sob - it's very special