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About Me

Married to my soulmate with 2 beautiful girls,and our English Springer Spaniel, Suki. Living a country life in Cambridgeshire, whilst baking, gardening, and photographing our daily lifes, where they find a place on my scrapbook pages.

My little place on the web

This blog is just that, my little place on the web.You will find my daily (or not so daily, hehe)life, my love for my new vegetable garden, baking, photography and my scrapbooking!

My Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking is a way of life for me now.It has been for over 4 years. I love journaling, taking photos of my family and love colour and texture, these are all part of my everyday life and scrapbooking.

Meet Suki

blogged by me domestic goddess On 7/03/2010 07:32:00 PM

If you do not like dogs, and image heavy posts, this post is not for you!

We are now the very lucky owners of Suki, a 5 month old working Springer Spaniel; isnt she just adorable!
She arrived a little scared and apprehensive, but it did not take her long to settle herself down and enjoy her new toys the girls chose her; this made for 2 very happy girls.

Last night was tough on us all, very little sleep as poor Suki howled and cried alot of the night.
Today she has played with the girls out in the garden whilst I took just a few photos *wink*.

We discovered as I watered a few pots this morning that she LOVES the hose; very amusing! ( piccies tomorrow)
I havent had much of a look in, but Suki did come and sit with me whilst I did some photo editing, a little peace and quiet.

Cannot wait to scrap some pages of Suki. I am desperate to get my hands on some Love Elsie Daisy collection embellishments. If anyone knows where I can get some or if anyone has any they want to off load, please let me know. Have my eye on the new Basic Grey Max and Whiskers as well :)

Off to snuggle on the sofa with all my girls!
Thanks for stopping by
Anna x

14 Response to 'Meet Suki'

  1. Zarah Said,
    7:39 PM

    She is soooooooooo cute! Lovely photos too! :D


  2. karen Said,
    7:56 PM

    ah bless she is lovely, oh and of course the girls too xxxxx


  3. 9:21 PM

    Suki looks adorable. Have just been on Craft Emporium and they are selling the Love Elsie Daisy patterned paper on there for 20p a sheet, not sure whether there were any embellies though.

    Goodluck with your search.



  4. Sara Said,
    9:36 PM

    she is beautiful as are your photos as ever. The family are trying to talk me into a puppy, not sure I have the time at the moment though!


  5. gea Said,
    9:42 PM

    wow what a loveley dog you have there !! I know how you feel..we have a new pup and we make pictures all the time ;) I wish you lots of fun with her


  6. suebaru Said,
    9:48 PM

    Love the photos of the girls with her :)


  7. leah Said,
    10:31 PM

    Very sweet! She looks like she'll be a great addition to your family!


  8. Kathy Rogers Said,
    11:51 PM

    Have you tried here?

    Great photos.


  9. 12:45 AM

    What an adorable puppy! Lots of luck! I found that a ticking clock placed under the puppy's bed or some music playing soothes them when alone.


  10. 6:52 AM

    I'm so jealous!!!! I've had seven great years so far with my springer, they are so funny, weird, mad, comical, looney and loyal!


  11. 9:52 AM

    Little Yellow Bicycle do a Journal Tablet for Dogs that is great for layouts and mini books!!


  12. 10:30 AM

    thanks for all the puppy advice and links, off to check them out!


  13. Stacey Young Said,
    2:34 AM

    She is adorable, look at your girls in love with her already...sweet:)


  14. val Said,
    8:20 PM

    you have a very beautiful puppy!!!