I am taking pre orders now, international orders welcome, and all books will be signed by me, unless you don't want me too, LOL!.
Visit the book shop here for details.
For Whoelsale details please email me at www.pencillinesketches@googlemail.com.
Don't forget the DT search we have going on at Pencil Lines this month also. We are looking for 2 new designers to join our team
I have been asked by Angela to design some exclusive sketches for Scrap 'n' Art magazine, which I am really excited about, and don't forget as of next year Scrapbooking Memories will be featuring an exclusive sketch by me, on a monthly basis, exciting!!
Non Scrapbook related, I received post today from my dear friend Sue, a filled advent tree all beautifully hand decorated. If you check out her blog you can see exactly what came my way today. Also Amazon delivered more pressies from Santa, included a little something form me; Adam Lambert's CD. I am going to be curled on the sofa tonight, earphones plugged in, singing to my hearts content!
Hope you are all well and dandy
Thanks for stopping by, and go grab a book now, hehehheh, you know you want to, mwah!
Anna xx
Wow! Anna, I have always been inspired by your work!! I met you awhile ago at BG! Congrats on this book, it looks fabulous!!! I'm off to check out the details!!!
I love Adam Lambert as well.I used to drive my family mad when he was on the TV.
Glad it arrived safely :) xx
Congrats on the book!!!