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About Me

Married to my soulmate with 2 beautiful girls,and our English Springer Spaniel, Suki. Living a country life in Cambridgeshire, whilst baking, gardening, and photographing our daily lifes, where they find a place on my scrapbook pages.

My little place on the web

This blog is just that, my little place on the web.You will find my daily (or not so daily, hehe)life, my love for my new vegetable garden, baking, photography and my scrapbooking!

My Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking is a way of life for me now.It has been for over 4 years. I love journaling, taking photos of my family and love colour and texture, these are all part of my everyday life and scrapbooking.

Playing Sceintist

blogged by me domestic goddess On 2/25/2009 10:24:00 PM
That was me and 22 children today at school. Wednesdays are busy for me these days, as I help out at the girls school, and love it! I usually do reading groups with Lilly's class and classroom duties for Izzy's teacher. Today reading group was cancelled whilst Lilly's class learnt about electricity and making a light bulb work. They were each given a tray of components to make a circuit to light a bulb, using a battery for electric. Evey child in the glass ignored the crocodile clips at first and put the light bulb on top of the battery, it really did amuse me, bless them. One boy did manage to light the bulb , and this caused lots of squeals of delight from the class. Oh to be 5 years old again, there inquisitive minds, full of so much promise!

After break its then a whistle stop to Izzys class and then I am on lunch time supervision, home to grab some lunch, check emails. 3 o'clock its back to school to pick the girls up for swimming lessons!
Eventually back home for 5pm and then I promised pancakes. I cancelled Shrove Tuesday because Peter was supposed to be home late due to a meeting, he actually ended up home before us last night! So I promised pancakes tonight. Unfortunately Peter had his meeting tonight and missed out in 12 scrumptious pancakes with various toppings!

- Number One is always and will always be Lemon and Sugar
- Next comes proper American Maple Syrup, not this yucky Golden Syrup rubbish ( sorry but i cant stand the stuff!)
- Finally for Izzy only I might add, Nutella filled pancakes!

All stuffed now! The girls were tucked up in bed sharp as it is the final week for Master Chef and nobody interrupts me whilst its on! I am shaking my pom poms for Matt, 100% Tomorrow night is the final, I am on tender hooks, LOL.

Sharing a layout I did at my crop on Sunday. I used my Jeni Bowlin Febuary kit and Sassafrass alphabet stickers, Hambly rubons and CBX felt embellishments.
Tomorrow I am meeting Dawn for coffee and then home buried in my glitz Bad Girl kit!!! And its oh so very BAD!!
Check back tomrorow for some sneaks!

Thanks for stopping by.
Anna x

3 Response to 'Playing Sceintist'

  1. suebaru Said,'> 11:21 PM

    Love that LO, now will you please teach my husband to smile normally in photos as Peter manages to do?!


  2.'> 1:23 PM

    that is a wonderful layout of peter.....he looks so dashing and the kit is YUM!


  3. Anonymous Said,'> 5:58 AM

    I love this layout Anna.One of my favourites you've done.