OK so I am a mum, a scrapper, put these together and some where along the line you come up with a camera, which brings me to the answer.......Photographs! Yes I have sinned and taken 1 too many photo's of Lilly and she really was not a happy bunny, bless her.
It was her first day at pre school playgroup, so like Izzy I thought she may like a photo taken all dressed up with her new bag nana bought, but as you can see, the results were not the best.
So I have left my little munchkin in the very capable hands of Buckden playgroup and have come home to sizzix my tags for
Bumble Bee Crafts tag CJ book, which should have been posted on Monday. So I am a few days late, but not the only one, so don't feel so bad.
I have gone a bit blog mad and have been browsing for blogs I like the look off, scrap related of course! And it seems anyone who is anyone has a blog! Its great, like being a fly on a wall in
Cathy Zeliske's house, or getting to see how many times
Jane Deans kids have bared all for the beach again! I don't mean that in bad way you know, her kids are gorgeous and so brown all year round, they must live on the beach
Ok I am going to plod on and do my tag book, I must as its not fair on everyone. Orders are packed and ready to be posted this morning so I must get CJing!
Home from picking the girls up from school and playgroup. Lilly is in an awful mood and has decided to leave "impress" blu ink hand prints all over my cream sofa's! Nice one Lilly. A lesson to be learnt, "Do not leave office door open, inks on the floor while blogging".
I have cooked us a lasagne, everyones fav and will do a garlic bread as well, of course I will decline the bread (gillian will be pleased ;)), for the sake of the diet and wheat, but will still have the lasagne, for the sake of the diet and the wheat, mwwahahaha.
Well and truly peeved now!, computer has well and truly crashed, cant access msn or the internet, so I am on my laptop, and no photos!!! hence the lack of photo for today, and it was a corker as well, will add as soon as I am up and running again. Anyone know about uninstalling msn please tell me.
So this messing about on the main computer as meant I have lost valuable scrapping time, not a happy bunny at all.
Off to Newcastle next week for an appoitment with my back surgeon, and am meeting up with the girls for dinner at Big Mussels, so am really looking forward to that.
Right am off to bed now as I am so livid about my computer, will ring Mr.Techy tomorrow.