I really do not like having flu, just doesn't do it for me, I have completely lost my mojo and will to scrap, this is not good. I am 3 days behind on the 21 day challenge, so must get my butt into gear.
Kirsty is currently in a roadside toilet on the A3 on her way to ScrapManic where she is teaching on Sunday. Silly moo forgot to print instructions and rang me on the M6 , and I have been her virtual route map, LOL. So I am waiting for her to call me back so I can direct her to the retreat!
How is everyone getting on with the 21 day challenge?
I will hopefully upload my entries over the weekend, so keep checking by
Big thank you too you all for your kind words on Creative Scrapbooking, I am still in shock and cant believe this has upset me as much as it has! Guess being there from the start has made me quite attached
big hugs to you all
Anna xx