I have ordered some Junkitz due at the end of August. Have an order waiting to go to Fancy Pants and Crate Papers, but I am supposed to be winding things down with BumbleBee Crafts to concentrate on the trade business and the Angel Kisses. It is all to tempting for lil olde me!
So what does a girl do?
Well this week is manic and very busy as we are off on our hols Friday afternoon. Firstly stopping off in Portsmouth for a wedding on Saturday and then continuing along the coast to St Ives for 10 glorious days of sun, sand and summer frolics with the girls. But before all that, I have a couple of deadlines to post, Izzy to chaperone to her dance workshop everyday this week, speech therapy summer school on Tuesday and Thursday, packing, banking, post office, dry cleaners, visit my dad a couple of times and pop over to see Ann(I)e and do a spot of retail therapy shopping in the form of scrap shopping and coffee.
Peter is on a course in London and will be back tomorrow evening, the girls have really missed him, they are so used to him being at home.

Photo today of Mr Cricket and Mrs Moth. We were lucky to have him visit last year and he is back again. Izzy is beside herself with joy, bless her! Haven't the heart to tell her its most likely to be a different cricket;) Mrs Moth was on the window inside the house and she looked so pretty I had to get the camera out and snap her!
Night night
Anna x