The rules are: List 5 weird things about yourself or your pets.Tag 5 friends and list them. Then, those people need to write on their blogs about 5 weird things, and state the rules, and tag 5 more people.
Chanel for the tag
Not sure if I can think of 5 people who haven't been tagged, so if you fancy being tagged go for it! but here goes my 5 weird things;
1. I have double jointed BIG toes, and until recently realised I have my Dad's BIG toes, lol
2. OK , this may sound gross to some, but I am completely obsessed with having clean ears and I must "twiddle" with those ear buds every time I head into the bathroom. If I go away for the night and forget to take some buds with me, it really freaks me out, sad I know...
3. I love peanut butter and will sit and eat it out of the jar using my finger if i need a peanut butter rush that quick, oh and i don't do smooth it has to be crunchy
4. I still believe I am a size 12, 26 years old and gorgeous, until I get a glimpse in the mirror and see a completely different story :(
5. Discovered this week by some lovely cyber friends that I am a funeral director stalker, due to my obsession with the place last week, I was constantly visiting. OK morbid I know and I have been a good girl not been back in 4 days!!!
weird facts over now...
I love challenges although I am so useless at doing them, I still have never done a speshal dare, only done 1 effer dare and only managed to complete so far 1 of Ann{i}es challenges by Ali Edwards, BUT saying all that, I try most weeks to pop a sketch challenge of a layout and a card weekly on The Lounge. The girls seem to be enjoying them so I thought I would start popping them on here for you all. I love Becky Fleck sketches, so I often use her sketches. I will post the first sketch by Friday no time limit , but I will post a new sketch every Friday for you.
Photo is off some button flowers i found on
Morgon's blog ages ago. These are just so cute and I know Emily has made these as well, and I must do these, I am a bit of a button hoarder so I definatley have plenty of buttons to use.
Anna x