and Chocolate Brown have got to be my absolute favourite colour combination of all time, and it is now the colour scheme of my bedroom, and i am as happy as can be!!!. Peter let me have a spending spree in the DIY store and we got some beautiful wallpaper, new bedlinen, and cushions for the bed. Ordered new carpet and our brown leather bed, which has been in the garage all year! is now made up and sitting in our newly decorated bedroom. Well nearly decorated, i have about half the room still to wallpaper. Peter was eager to fit the carpet and put our bed up. I will be off next week to purchase new lamps and start arranging our wall of pictures, oh i am so excited. For those that don't know, before the children, I ran my own Interior Design practise and wrote a weekly editorial for our weekend magazine called "Style on a Shoestring". I love decorating and the whole interior design thing, i guess most women do. I don't get to play so much these days, and with a house twice the size of our last and all needing decorating it is taking its time and toll on the bank account. Usually our bedroom is the last room in a house to be tackled, and to get ours done so early in the renovation scheme of things has made me all smiley. 

This weekend i will take some photos to post here. In the meantime i have a sneak peek of my pencil lines layout for this weekend to leave you with. Busy weekend ahead, tomorrow we have a BBQ for family and friends, Sunday i am teaching and cropping, as well as finishing of our boudoir......
Have a great weekend what ever you have planned
Anna x
and Izzy returns to school, with Lilly following 10 days later! The summer holidays have flown, the weather has been miserable, but every moment that sun has shined we have made the most if it!
I have been working on a few projects this week. A CJ I am doing with The Scrapping Angels of Wyboston!! I have finally done mine as well as an entry in Louise's and they have been posted. I am a terrible CJ'er. I love doing them but i seem to find it difficult to find the motivation to sit down and get on. I think its because i always have more pressing things to do.
I also completed a layout for a designer gallery in a UK magazine this week, so only a sneak peek is allowed.
And now to photos from our day at Sue's.

Izzy with Holly's goggles

Lilly going for Gold!!


Sue and Geoff
Anna xx

Here it is, "Barcelona",a layout showcasing the wonderful architecture in Barcelona, that we loved so much. This weeks sketch was by Gigi, whom i adore and love, mwah!!!. Although the sketch was a single layout, it lends itself perfectly to a double layout and mini books as well.
Fancy Pants pp
KandCo life's journey pp
Angel Kiss blooms
KandCo tag
HS acrylic heart, and clock
DCWV alphabet stickers
Spanish paper
Today we all headed off to Wellyn Garden City for a BBQ at the Deacons. A wonderful time was had by all, especially the girls who spent a good couple of hours playing in the pool, us grownups had a game of badminton, and some fun was had with my camera and an outstretched hand!!! intrigued? come back tomorrow for photos galore, I am now headed for bed and have not had the time to download piccies, thanks to Geoff, we have been watching Rocky Balboa, which I loved btw...
Anna x
wow, I cannot believe how many of you posted. I normally pick a name out of a hat but due to sheer volume it is the Google random number generator today and the number is 77.
The lucky poster is
congratulations, please can you email me your address so i can post your goodies :)
I will be back tomorrow with creations, photos and news from the bank holiday weekend!
Anna xx
The lucky poster is
congratulations, please can you email me your address so i can post your goodies :)
I will be back tomorrow with creations, photos and news from the bank holiday weekend!
Anna xx
The weather is good, the sun is shining and us Bowkis's are doing family stuff which in turns makes me feel good!!!
candy floss love
the T Cups
The girls had great fun and then we came home and had a BBQ, ending the night all in our PJ's watching the bats, the stars and the night life starting to venture out for the night. The girls loved looking at the moon through Peters Telescope, and sitting at the end of the garden watching our 2 bats flying about. Saturday was a feel good day!!
And today has been the same. I had a lie in, had breakfast and Peter and I lounged on the sofa watching "A Place in the Sun" on TV for hours!!, while the girls played super heroines in the garden, clean washing blowing on the line. Oh I love the lazy days of summer.
This afternoon i decided to make a couple of cards "Nancy"style using up scraps from the Junkitz sponsorship we had for Pencil Lines.
This evening I may crack on with a LO I have to do for a magazine gallery, the theme is food. This is not a difficult subject for me at all, lol. Probaly going to do it on my love for Sushi...
Decided to start a photo blog last night, do pop on over and take a peep. Its very down to earth with photos of my "studio" and things that make me go mmmm, as well as photos i love of friends and family!
It just leaves me to remind you all its Pencil Lines new sketch upload tonight, do pop around, am so excited about this guest, she is a fashionista, a wonderful person, and a super talented scrapper. So go check us out!!
Good luck
Have a great Sunday
Anna xxx
Oops, think they call it burning the candle at both ends!!! Ended up in bed at 8pm last night with the girls, although I did wake at 11pm for a bit of surfing and then back to bed at 2am!! But today, Izzy told me "Mummy you must take a day of work and rest" Bless, when your 6 year old is telling you enough is enough its time to throw in the towel. So i left my deadlines in a pile on my desk and have had a looong afternoon snooze!

It has also been a funny old day for me as my race number arrived!!! number 10079, with all the race details, along with a pack from MS stars, and this all hit home reminding me once again why i am doing this and i have to confess to shedding a tear or two. Now time to apologizes to friends and family as i have done a mass email to you all pleading for a few extra pennies to help me reach my goal of £1500 by September 20th!!!
Oversea friends please feel free to send money to my paypal account with a note MS in the title for me. I will also except cheques. Just email me for details. I have also been working with a very talented UK Digi designer who is currently putting the finishing touches to the MS Charity Kits, for both digi and hybrid scrappers. I am very excited about these kits as all proceeds will be going to the MS Soceity.

I will be back to creating again this bank holiday, and with a Basic Grey RAK to offer (see previous post), in the meantime if you loved my Friends Minibook, here is the project for you to download, and please post me a link to your creations, love to see every ones take on it!!
Anna xx
projects that is. Finished this today for Easy Craft Projects. Love doing something different each month for Lisa. I think next month I will do something for the home, mmm, the cogs are whirring inside now , lol
Well another crap day of weather here in blighty, so i got snappy in my "studio" (sounds awfully posh don't you think) and took some piccies of my new and improved paper drawers, and a few other things. I am going to do a LO for my BOM with these photos . My BOM is really a bunch of 81/2" x 11" layouts about my fav things, and odd bits that hopefully the girls will enjoy looking back on, later in life.

my new paper drawers

jars of flowers and buttons

a bucket of Tim Holtz inks
"What is your idea of perfect happiness",
and whilst i thought of the usual materialistic stuff, and having Dad back, although that would make me happy in a selfish way ,not Dad due to the pain he was in, it really boiled down to just 2 things, and i have them both, so my answer was;
"Perfect happiness is where I am right now. Married to the man I love with 2 beautiful healthy daughters."
It makes you realise what you have, right here, right now, and something we should all think about for just a minute each day.

a bit of Lucy love
Anna xx
You know the one, that makes you feel warm all over, grinning from ear to ear, feeling all virtuous. Well that's how i feel today.
- I have completed my first big deadline, packed and posted early this morning, a massive weight has been lifted. OK, so I still have the 1500 words to write but the creative part is done, and I am really pleased with my creations.
- I woke nice and early and cleaned the kitchen, did the washing, drying AND ironed the drying and hoovered
- Got the girls showered bright and early and to the hairdressers in time
- Completed my Pencil Lines layout in good time,
- Actually did a little surfing this afternoon
- The girls and I have had a lovely afternoon just being, no fights, no shouting, its been good!
- and finally sorted my 16 drawers of paper and put them into colour and manufacturers order (god I have far too much BG!!!), labelling all the drawers!!
todays sneak peak
The final task of the day is thanks to Izzy who got a large dustbin liner, and cleaned her craft corner in my scrap room, i felt all guilty and decided to join her and start on one of my corners.
So thats my day in a nutshell. Do you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Share your warmth with me :)
Anna xx
I am still so snowed under with work!! i miss my daily fix of SIStv, my blog and forum surfing, my daily chats to friends via phone or msn, but i must carry on, only 2 more weeks of deadlines and then i can calm down a bit. Well i say that and then it will be September kit time, packing kits, designing projects, lol.

annie and me!!
I am so grateful that i get to work in an industry I love, and i wouldn't change it for the world. With so much to come and in the pipeline, meeting so many wonderful people, i really am a lucky girl!
I am scrapping like mad, and really enjoying and loving the work i am producing at the moment.
I have loads of photos to edit as well for friends but am having to put them on hold until next week, sorry guys!!
I am going to share some stuff I can and some sneaks of stuff I cant, also a couple of photos that I love.
This layout is for this months Scrapping Angels kit. I was inspired by an Adrianne Looman LO i saw on SIStv. I also love the rubons that are included in the kit. I am loving rubons at the moment and often use most of a pack on my layouts .
I also made a little card with my fav distressed flowers of late!!
the next few layouts are sneak peeks of work i have been doing for magazines.
Hugs all
Anna xx
I do love weddings, parties and a good Christening!! And we have had 2 out of 3 to attend, OK well Izzy did!
Saturday Izzy had a birthday party to go too, and Lilly and I went shopping in Town for Christening gifts and also purchased Lilly's first pair of school shoes, awwwww. Yes my baby soon starts her first day at school. Uniform is hanging in the spare bedroom with pristine white undies and socks, all ready for that BIG day.
sleeping Addie in Peter's arms
Sunday was the christening of Addie and Dean, Annie's children, and we were really pleased to be asked to attend the gathering. I baked my mini Victoria sponges and was photographer for the day and Peter was the videographer. Only problem we had was the weather was not permitting and no outdoor photos were taken, I did though take photos of the ceremony. Both children were as good as gold and no tears or cries were heard.
We then headed over to Annie's house so the children could play for a bit while i scoffed more of Annie scrummy zucchini loaf (much like carrot cake).
We did get one photo outside, and one that both Annie and I have waited 18 months for, a photo of the two of us, and Peter managed a couple and I am so pleased. I now need a decent one of me and Sue as we always end up with the girls taking it and not at a flattering angle!
We headed back home in the afternoon and Peter and I had 40 winks whilst the girls played quietly, bless them.Today I have been catching up with serious deadlines for magazines and Dt work. Received my copy of The Scrapbook Magazine this morning and was really pleased with how an article i wrote looked as well as a layout i had in the DT gallery. This months magazine really does look good and is well worth purchasing.
Here are a couple of the layouts I had published.
The first is Izzy in Cornwall on the beach, used Scrapping Angels July kit for this layout by Upsey Daisy.

The other layout was a BOM layout using Tinkering Inks Westminster collection, and lots of felt flowers.

I used :
Kraft card stock
Jenni Bowlin papers/chipboard and journaling card
Creative Imagination paper
Stamps away stamps
Foofala buttons
Angel Kiss flowers
Journaling reads :
Nobody knows but me
That I sometimes cry
If I could pretend that I'm asleep
When my tears start to fall
I peek out from behind these walls
I think nobody knows
Nobody knows but me
by Pink
I have complete 2 dlo, 1 slo, and 1card today, that is a lot of creating in one day for me, i can tell you!. Will show you some sneaks and more layouts tomorrow, i have probably overloaded you all today.
Just want to thank my dear friend Sue who posted me some galaxy hazelnut chocolate, to cheer me up from my grumpy mood i am in, thanks hun you are a star!!!
Hope you all had a good weekend, I know we definitely did
Hope you all had a good weekend, I know we definitely did
Anna x
Yep thats us alright.... BIG glasses, BIG fun, BIG digi camera and a self timer, produce a few fun pics!!!!
Me being sultry!

Eight girls, Eight cupcakes, 3 cameras, and 5 fun filled hours gives you lots of giggles, photos and memories!!!
I have had the great pleasure of spending today with Sue, Holly and Em, and Lyzzy and Beth , and we have had such a great day.

Lots of photos were taken on our little photo shoot, although we did get told off for playing on the newly mowed grass at the small pond by the Farm House!!!! (don't ask why, not aware its private property all of a sudden!)
We them headed home for lunch and scrummy
cupcakes bought by Lyzzy. Well what is it about cupcakes, scrappers and cameras??? Five hungry children were not allowed anywhere near them until 3 hungry, photo scrapping mad mums had done their bit!!!!
It did produce some fun photos though...... Our visitors left around 3 this afternoon and I then got lost at this site. Which in turn produced these.......

OMG its is so much fun you have to have a play.

OMG its is so much fun you have to have a play.
Thought I would share the classes i did for the UKS Summer Camp Cyber Crop at the weekend. I did a layout "Perfectly Posh", technique was based around the distressed paper flowers I am so in love with these days.

And also this mini book which got rave reviews and its versatility for ideas. I love this book and dedicated mine to scrapping friends.

street lamp
And finally here is another piccie from Barcelona,
Anna xx
Anna xx