Tomorrow morning I am heading of to North Devon to teach at Craft and Crop Christmas Workshop with Tracie Hudson and Sarah Youde. I am all kitted out with my new toy that Peter came home with last night, a Tom Tom. I am so relieved I must say. My projects are finished, my kits are packed and I am just off to bake some chocolate brownies to take down with me, mmmm......

I will leave you some Pencil Lines teasers and some peeks at this Saturdays classes.

Pop on over to my photography blog, as I have started a 365 self portrait challenge! Must go and do today's! yikes....

Have a wonderful weekend everyone
Anna xx

I am sure I have lots more to talk about about but this just had to be said.......
Anna xxx
I have had a busy weekend doing Christmas crafts. The Bad Girls Christmas workshop deadline was yesterday and I just had to make this paper Christmas Tree by Tina. 

I used last years Basic Grey papers, lots of glitter and topped my tree with an Angel bloom and bling! My "Frosty" tree will have a home in my scrap room this Christmas.

I also made these cute paper decorations for Easy Craft Projects, using a scallop shape punch. Pop on over to Easy Craft Projects for full instructions; a quick and easy craft project to do with the kids as well.

Pencil Lines sketch 60 has gone live with the baddest of girls, Wendy Rago as guest DT. This weeks gallery is amazing!! We had a Bad Girls kit to play with this week and all the DT absolutely rocked this kit!! Go check us out and email any of your layouts from November and you could be the lucky winner of a Bad Girls kit.

I am now finalising my classes for next weekend North Devon Christmas workshop. If you are in the North Devon area and are free next Saturday 1st December then you must come and join the festive fun with Tracie Hudson, Sarah Youde and me. There are only a few places left.
I am now off to settle in front of the TV for I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!!!!
Gotta love some trash TV now and again.
Hope you had a great weekend
Anna xx
With intermittent Internet connection the norm at the moment, I actually got some "me" scrapping time done today, as well as some kit layouts and projects finished.

Today i started a 365 self portrait challenge, inspired by others i have seen doing this amongst them Corinne Delis. I am looking forward to seeing a story being told, mainly of me getting older , lol, but it should be fun!

This morning I completed the Scrapping Angels projects.
This card made with some scraps: ( excuse the awful photo!)
A mini book, so love these keyring type books
and this layout "True Friends"

and finally this layout just for playing sakes!
A layout for Izzy using my blog entry from yesterday as my journaling. this photo was taken at Willow Farm when we visited in October.

This is today's photo, not fab, as it is a dark and grey day here, but still its me, taken by me!
I had lunch with the girls today at school today, a feast of Thanks Giving. Sliced turkey, gravy, corn bread, sweet potato, lots of veggies and to finish a scrummy slice of pumpkin pie. And on that note I wish you all a wonderful Thanks Giving!
Anna xx

And even though we are going through a tough few weeks, Izzy and I, we always end the day with a huge cuddle and a chat. With these chats, it has come to my attention that Izzy wishes to be a photographer when she is older, and has asked for a proper camera like mummy has, well , er, I don't think so hun, but nice try! Peter pulled his old Pentax SLR out to show her and she was so intrigued. If anyone can recommend a small compact and cheap digi camera do let me know.
Also, whilst in Izzy's room putting her to bed last night, i noticed a drawing attached to her mirror, and all her craft stash on the table. When i asked her what the drawing was she answered "Its my sketch for my layout, it makes it easier when you do your layout mum, it shows you where to put your photos and hearts" Well knock me down with a croc a dile!!! The girl has completely "got it"!!!
Here is Izzy's sketch, I reckon I should do a layout from it for her, and maybe ask her to GDT over at Pencil Lines, hehehe.

I will leave you with a peek of this weekends layout.
And this is a sneak of a project for Scrapping Angels November Kit
I must thank a very dear friend today for sending me happy post. I am talking about Sue, she is a pillar of strength, straight talking with a heart of gold. I have known Sue for 2 years this month and often little parcels come through my letter box with choccy delights!!! Today a box of weetabix arrived containing, not the weetabix, but this!!!! Thank you so much hun, you really made me smile and shed a happy tear! Lubs you!
Anna xxx
And the start of a new week! We have recovered from the joys of having the mini Hafermanns to stay and the little birthday party we had for Annie, who's birthday it was yesterday. A plate of chocolate pecan brownies with candles, for a birthday cake, even though Izzy said that Annie's healthy we should bake her a Carrot Cake!!!! bless........

Pencil Lines went live last night, and another week of amazing layouts from the DT. My layout has been removed for personal reasons, and for those that caught the sneak peaks, I used;
Tinkering Inks
Basic Grey
Worldwin card stock
Fancy pants felt
Basic Grey ribbons
7 Gypsies journaling tag
Heidi Swapp Bling
I have been a good Fly Lady this morning, caught up on mounds of paperwork, updating the Pencil Lines galleries, go check out gallery 58!!!! WOW!!!, and tomorrow the Scrapping Angels DT gallery goes live, just finalising a few bits there.
How was your weekend,? hope it was a good one!
I am waiting patiently for Peter to arrive at some awfully late hour tonight, hopefully armed with a copy of HAIRSPRAY for me!!!! I am so need of some cheering up, and some song and dance
Anna xx
Yes, I have to give all credit to my wonderful husband, when it comes to this little treasure!

And this is another teaser of tomorrows Pencil Lines layout.

The Bowkis household are babysitting these two little cherubs, Addie and Dean Hafermann, and boy has the excitement been unbearable for my 2, even more when a certain Hafermann said she would be here between 9 am - 9.30 and turned up at 10.45am!!!! But I can tell you the wait was so worth it. We have had a wonderful day and Peter and Addie are the best of buddies, both smitten by the other, so i haven't really had even a smidgen of Addie love, but i have had plenty of Dean loving!

I know it has been an age since i updated, but we have still been having real Internet issues, due to a new router Peter bought. we are now onto our second router and still intermittent connection. What this does mean is I am perfecting being a Fly Lady, and a perfect wife and mother, although Izzy and I are having a few mother/daughter hiccups. I guess a its all part of our relationship and we will only be stronger at the end.
I have been busy scrapping as well.
This layout is for a magazine editorial next year so only a peak i can show you.
And for those that need some festive spirit, pop on over to Bad Girls for a weekend of Christmas workshops. This is my class for all those Bad Girls!
As well as babysitting, I had a photo shoot to do as a surprise for a wonderful families husband. He is away on business and mum and her 2 boys headed my way for some fun in the Autumn weather. Once they are edited and have the approval of the family involved I will post some photos. In the meantime check out the Christmas offer I have on at the moment.
Hope you all have a great weekend
Hope you all have a great weekend
Anna xx
What does one do you ask? This is what i did today :
- 45 minutes crisis cleaning
- 20 minutes ironing
- Made some phonecalls
- 1 layout
- general housework aka FlyLady.net
- Rainbow helper
not a bad day really!
Anna xx
This is a post full of thank yous!!
- thank you to Annie for being such an inspirational teacher and a wonderful friend, oh and for making the best pasta salad!

This weekend was Scrapping Angels Christmas Workshop, and what a great time was had by all. Four brilliant classes and 1 fun make and take, scrummy food and melt in the mouth brownies, so the thank yous will start here!
- thank you to Sue, who without, this weekend would not have gone so smoothly, and for being there
- thank you to Sara for baking the best brownies and shortbread I have tasted....
- thank you to all the ladies who attended yesterday and made the day such fun
and finally thank you to my wonderful hubby, Peter, for having the girls all day, making my fav dinner and the flowers hun, love you
This morning I didn't quite wake with a spring in my step, however hard I tried, but after having a giggle on the phone with Tracie, discussing our untidy scrapping rooms, I decided to log on to this site, and today I have bee "Crisis Cleaning" and it bloomin well worked! I know not another one of my life changing moments, lets put it this way, I would love to say , yes this is the start of the rest of my life, but this is me talking, and it will quite likely be forgotten by Wednesday, but hey, i have started!
This morning I didn't quite wake with a spring in my step, however hard I tried, but after having a giggle on the phone with Tracie, discussing our untidy scrapping rooms, I decided to log on to this site, and today I have bee "Crisis Cleaning" and it bloomin well worked! I know not another one of my life changing moments, lets put it this way, I would love to say , yes this is the start of the rest of my life, but this is me talking, and it will quite likely be forgotten by Wednesday, but hey, i have started!
Pencil Lines loaded last night, with what has to be my favourite DT gallery to date. The DT excelled themselves this week, I am in awe of all the amazing talent over at Pencil Lines. Go check us out and see what RAK's are up for grabs and all the inspiring layouts we have on offer this week.

Here is mine:
BG and Tinkering Ink papers
Deluxe Designs chipboard
Prima flower
MM felt stars
BG ribbons
Ranger Inks
Hope you had a great weekend, I am off to cook dinner for 4 children, prepare a Domestic Goddess kind of dinner for Peter and I and then collapse on the sofa once the girls are in bed!
Anna xx
Tomorrow it is Scrapping Angels Christmas workshop. The packing room is piled high with Pizza boxes of classes and goodies, the fridge is bursting with cheese, sliced meats, and salads, and my car is ready to be packed with all these delights. I am really looking forward to teaching a fun loving bunch of ladies. Annie is teaching as well and my right hand woman, Sue will be there to, now the question is, will you?!?!
My poor Pencil Lines layout has spent all week on my desk waiting to be glued, and still is waiting! As soon as I have blogged, the kettle is going on for a nice mug of coffee and i am going to try and squeeze in a 30 minute scrap session!
Now I was supposed to have a visitor, and someone I was looking forward to meeting. Poor Tracie is poorly and unable to make the journey, BUT I will still get to meet her in a few weeks when i make the trip to North Devon to teach. Tracie, hope you are feeling better hun xxxx
With Christmas fast approaching and cards to make, I have a photo session offer on over here, you may want to take up!!
I am off to put that kettle on, have a great and warm weekend
Anna xx
I am forever thankful to be scrapbooking, finding new friends, and the opportunities that have come with this amazing obsession (OK I would like to call it a hobby, but can I really call an eat, sleep and play pastime a hobby!?!). 

This layout was published in my favourite Australian magazine this month "Scrapbook Memories". I am so happy, happy, happy!!!

Last week I was asked to take part in Bad Girls Kit Christmas online crop. I am so exciting to be doing a class for this site. the crop is the 17th - 18th November. 12 amazing classes are being taught by the Bad Girls Dt and a couple of guest designers, so honoured to have been asked to be amongst the guest designers.
Tracie rang me a few weeks ago to ask me to teach at the UKS Crop n Chat Christmas Workshop in North Devon on December 1st with Sarah Youde. I am so thrilled to have been asked, cannot wait to meet both Tracie and Sarah and all the ladies in Devon!
And then I got an email last night from Sister Hood of Scrap, about being a GDT sketch artist, so how cool has my week been, and its only Wednesday!
I have been finalising my samples for Sundays Scrapping Angels workshop, check the blog for some little teasers.

The Scrapping Angels November kit is available to purchase and is another firm favourite of mine at the moment. I so enjoy putting these little page kits together. Gorgeous double sided paper every month, a few hand picked embellies and often a stamp or mini book as well, all for the low price of £7.95 and to top it off a fab gallery full of inspiration and projects for you to browse!!!
I am now off to take Izzy to Tennis, do a bit of the dreaded house work, yuck! and then carry on playing with a unfinished layout for this weeks Pencil Lines sketch
Have a great day
Anna xx
Well not for me, but the girls have had too many parties to count this week!!!, hence the lack of blogging. Its been a strange old couple of days. My emotions have gone from pure joy, to utter despair in a few minutes, lol.

We have had a very busy social week, and Peter has been on nights and i have been rushed of my feet with Scrapping Angels, Pencil lines and DT work, whilst squeezing in being a mum, a wife and just plain old me!!! Its a tough job!
Before my epic post, heres my Pencil Lines layout for this week. Love my layout,
I used the 2 Jills customer apprecitaion kit
Felt Flowers for Clever Cut
Heidi Swapp Bling
Hambly rubons
Please go check out the site this week as we have 2 new DT members joining us . Its has been months of waiting it feels, but at last these 2 talented ladies are here now.
And here is a teaser of one of my classes for this weekends Scrapping Angels workshop!
As you know Wednesday was busy with Halloween parties, Thursday i believe was a night off, but cant remember now!. Friday we headed off to the village (Buckden) bonfire and firework evening. It was fantastic! Izzy was dressed for a rave!!!! seriously, lol. She just bopped her heart out whilst bumping into lots of her Friends. Lilly, well she is a complete nutter as a lot of my readers know! She found a nice quiet spot (not!) by the speaker and danced, danced, and danced until the lights went out and the plug was pulled. Honestly this was a bonfire party, and the fireworks were brilliant, but the highlight was watching Lilly doing some serious Justin Timberlake moves to an audience!!!! Don't you just love her.....

Saturday both the girls had parties to attend and i was completely beat, but the show must go on, so I was taxi for the day. Peter was working nights and I crashed in front of the sofa with the girls to some X Factor. Sunday I completed some DT works and then we headed of to Sues for a Halloween party. Lots of fun, wrapping Lilly up as a Mummy with a roll of Andrex, hunting for sweets in a bowl of cold spaghetti whilst blindfolded, many photos later and then all piled in the car for the return journey. Sounds simple enough doesn't it, aha but alot happened prior to Sues party.
Exhibit A
Yes this is large clumps of hair from both of my children's head. Why??? you ask, well I asked Izzy and Lilly exactly the same question, and the answers were..
Me : Girls, where did you get the scissors
Izzy : I don't Know
Lilly : Izzy got them form your office mummy, honest she did
Me: Girls, why did you cut each others hair
Izzy : I don't know
Lilly: Izzy cut mine and then told me to cut her
Then we have Izzy covered in what only looks like my mascara put on very badly!, so once again I questioned her
Me: Izzy have you got mascara on
Izzy : No
Lilly: yes she has mummy, she got it from your office
Me: Izzy have you got mascara on
Izzy : No
Lilly: yes she has mummy, she got it from your office
Me: Izzy don't lie to me, is that my mascara on your face
Izzy: It fell on the floor and must have jumped into my pocket
So we head of to the party, we head home, we run a bath, we have a bath, Lilly has a "I have done something i shouldn't have " grin on her face. So again I ask questions, and this time Izzy is quick to answer.... " mummy , Lilly has been shaving her armpits!"
Eventually girls are into bed, peter has another night shift and I head for the comfort of the sofa. Time 8.30pm
10.10pm, Izzy appears next to me, " Mummy I think its time to go to bed, I have turned all the lights off"
and my day ends with a smile on my face, as my 7 year old daughter takes me to bed, and i didn't even question why she was up at 10.10pm on a Sunday night!!!!!
and my day ends with a smile on my face, as my 7 year old daughter takes me to bed, and i didn't even question why she was up at 10.10pm on a Sunday night!!!!!
Well done if you got this far, hope your weekend was not as eventful as mine
Anna xxx
The girls have been busy at school and with Halloween parties yesterday, my feet haven't touched the ground. Pencil Lines had its last celebration sketch last night , as we come to the end of our month of sketches and RAKS to celebrate a year of inspiring the scrapping community with sketches and a inspirational design team and guest designers. And as 1 year ends and a few doors close, we start a new year with new designers and new sketches. i am so excited for Pencil Lines, so many fantastic guests lined up, great sponsors and lots of sketch inspiration. Go and check out our last card sketch for October by Christine Traversa from CPS
Here is my card. I changed the stars to paisley shapes and made a portrait card.
Supplies are Basic Grey
What did you do for Halloween last night? With 2 pumpkins to carve and 2 parties to attend, the carving never made it. Although I plan to carve one for Sue's Halloween party on Sunday!
Izzy had a teen strop and decided going as a cat was not to be, so she want as a Spanish dancer. Lilly went as the cutest cat you have ever seen and posed for photos!!. I went as a glam witch, complete with false eyelashes from Tesco at 99p!! and a fab feather boa trimmed witches hat and black lipstick and glow in the dark nail varnish, which didn't glow!

I had parents evening for both Lilly and Izzy on Tuesday, and I am so proud of them. Glowing reports for them both.
2 Jills DT work
I have lots of new stash to play with, 2 fantatstic kits by 2 Jill's. Sad to see 2 Jill's are no longer and this last kit is a stunner!! I also have the most gorgeous stash that i got from Rebekah from SIStv. I have plenty of stash to inspire me, just the time and peace to do it in!!I would love to see your Halloween photos, so do post me a link!
Anna x