I am teaching year 1 and 2 students the importance of preserving their memories through the art of Scrapbooking. This follows on from a day workshop the children have done about their ancestors life's as children. I presented a class plan to the Head of year 1 and 2, pointing out how children can look at what is important to them as children today and what fun it will be to see how life changes in 10 - 20 years time. Mrs Bliss jumped at the chance and today was my first class. 25 eager ch
ildren listening and enjoying seeing my scrapbooks, is a complete thrill. Although many were shocked that i never had a PlayStation as a child, and did i even have toys!! LOL. Unfortunately due to privacy laws and such, I was unable to take my camera to record this event, ironic I know, maybe i can arrange this by my last lesson in February.
Its cold outside, very cold and we are waiting for the white stuff and waking up tomorrow morning with 5 inches of snow!!! which will likely mean no school for the girls though. Its Izzy's valentine disco tomorrow as well. She has chosen her outfit and will be going over to a friends after school before the disco and then off out for a MacDonald's for teas afters, yes she is only 6, what a social life kids have to day.Hope you had a good day. Don't forget to check out the sneak peak of this months kit over at Scrapping Angels, it is selling out fast
Anna x
I'm glad you enjoyed teaching the kids.
You're welcome to come and teach my year 1s any time. :)
fabby photos - you look so radiant. cant wait to see your layout :)
Fabulous pictures Anna. Great news on the teaching!
Well, you certainly look like you had a great time in LA :-)
Bet the kids enjoyed it - what a lovely idea. They'll love looking back when they're grown up - wish someone had come and showed me!
looks like you had great fun, looking forward to receiving the SA kit too. not sure if you know but the link in your latest update for PL goes to a diff site with one *L* take care x
Wow! Teaching those kids must have been great - what a wonderful idea Anna :) xxx
check you out babes!!!
great pictures!
Great photos hon - cant wait to see more over the coming days/weeks - great scrapping opportunities eh?
Awww bless that banner and flowers are gorgeous! no wonder you were crying!
Aw, does that mean Pete won't be blogging any more? I'll miss him. Sniff. LOL Welcome home! Fab time you had, eh? Hobnobbing with the scrapping elite....