Becky Higgins
Clippy Kit
Kate Hadfield
Tinkering Inks
Polar Bear Press
Polar Bear Press
to name a few of the wonderful donations I have had to raise money for the MS Society. I really am blown over, but there is still time to keep sending in donations if you want :), and the hard work is yet to come when the auction takes place on Saturday. If you are not coming to the retreat but would still like to make a donation to the MS Society I have a fundraising page here. This page is updated with any fundraising events that i am participating in.
I took this photo today of the girls on a walk around one of the fields by us, yes we all had streaming eyes and itchy noses afterwards! I am no photogrpaher nor a whizz with CS2, but I love this photo for being natural, and typical Lilly dressed inappropiatly for the weather and mummy wanting to capture a magic moment on her camera ;). Izzy on the other hand is all colour coordinated and eager to be photographed, well for about 2 shots!!
Off to see Annie tomorrow for a catch up on her trip to Seattle and stroke all her new stash she has been telling me about
Have a great day
Anna x
Love that photo...I spy a gap in those teeth :)!!
Great photo Anna... natural is usually best - tells a story. Best of luck for the MS Society auction, hope you make a bomb :D Have a great day
izzy needs to stop growing now!
Nice sponsorship- I hope it all goes fantastically :D
yeah - glad everything is arriving safe and sound :) good luck with it all.