with cupcakes, fairy dresses, and photo shoots all thrown into the mix!
The last couple of days have been filled with more fun and laughter. Yesterday Annie, Dean and the mischievous Addie came over.

We made pink cupcakes, with pink icing, and pink sprinkles for Lilly's belated birthday party, and Lilly got this most delightful pink fairy dress with flower petals in the hem from the Hafermanns. It is so gorgeous , I want one!

I really am so lucky to have scrapping friends, who are also real friends, and whose families get on all so well with my family. I am spoilt and blessed to be honest.
Today we drove over to Sue's to the spend the day, and i made a long overdue batch of brownies for Sue. After a scrumptious lunch we headed over to the park and lake for a walk and the usual photo shoot, which this time included jumping off a bench, LOL
(gutted her feet are blurred!)

After a wonderful day me and the girls headed home for their swimming lessons. Unfortunately an accident on the road made us extremely late and the girls managed a quick 10 minute lesson. But it was worth it, because Izzy is now swimming unaided and diving under water. I am so so proud of her. It has been a long hard road to travel, as she absolutely hates getting water in her eyes, and this has really held her back with confidence in the pool. But today she just went for it, and made the decision not to put a tummy band on, WTG hun , we are all so proud of you :). And Lilly who was doing so well last year, (pool has been closed for 6 months ), confidence took a dive last week, did much better today. So all round, I am so happy my girls are back in the water and thriving! 
Tomorrow we have a day at home, and then off for haircuts and a Brownie uniform to purchase. Izzy has her promise on Tuesday!!
Before i head for my bed, you have to watch this boy. George Sampson, a 14 year old , break dancer, whom i so want to see win Britain's Got Talent.
Thanks for stopping by
The last couple of days have been filled with more fun and laughter. Yesterday Annie, Dean and the mischievous Addie came over.

We made pink cupcakes, with pink icing, and pink sprinkles for Lilly's belated birthday party, and Lilly got this most delightful pink fairy dress with flower petals in the hem from the Hafermanns. It is so gorgeous , I want one!
I really am so lucky to have scrapping friends, who are also real friends, and whose families get on all so well with my family. I am spoilt and blessed to be honest.
Today we drove over to Sue's to the spend the day, and i made a long overdue batch of brownies for Sue. After a scrumptious lunch we headed over to the park and lake for a walk and the usual photo shoot, which this time included jumping off a bench, LOL

Tomorrow we have a day at home, and then off for haircuts and a Brownie uniform to purchase. Izzy has her promise on Tuesday!!
Before i head for my bed, you have to watch this boy. George Sampson, a 14 year old , break dancer, whom i so want to see win Britain's Got Talent.
Thanks for stopping by
Anna xx
Sandie and her family made the 2 1/2 hour drive to ours for the day, and for Izzy it was the best day of her life!, as she has a new "boy" friend in Jack, bless. not to sure whether I should start to be concerned, when asking her present "boy" friend

Me - " Is Izzy your girlfriend?"
Max - "Don't know, she has so many boyfriends"
oops, she seems to be a little indecisive at the moment! Izzy did say at dinner, that she just doesn't know what to do, and who she should choose. When Peter and I asked why the big problem, she answered "well I have to decide who to marry" PMSL, she is seven!!

Hannah, how adorable is she!
Apart from all this decision making, the girls and Sandie's kids had a wonderful day and all got on so well. Sandie and I did manage a spot of scrapping. I did my class for Sunday and Sandie played with next months kit!
But before the day even started I have had a chuckle. Lilly is such a hoot. This weeks 365 is "Walt Disney" and a quote from Snow White, and this is my photo. Any guesses to the quote? LOL, not hard really is it. Lilly is my little shadow, who just wants to be a mini me, awww

Tomorrow we have Annie, Dean and Addie for the day, more photo opportunities and I am cooking a filo pastry vegetarian tart that I am hoping Annie will love!
Hugs and thanks for stopping by
Anna x
A weekend of sadness, mixed with joy, memories and reflection.

Peter's Auntie lost her life in the early hours of Sunday morning, loosing her battle with Cancer. Peter and I visited her at home on Saturday to say our goodbyes and pay our respects. She was at peace and surrounded by family and friends.

As we left, memories of my Dad and Peters dad came flooding back and many tears were shed, it is never easy loosing another life, and one that seems to be part of growing up and becoming an adult. You start to become the sensible one, and take over the responsibilities of the parent. as I sat at Peters Auntie and Uncles house, I become the one who would listen and comfort.
The strange thing about all of this weekend, was Sunday we had a Christening to attend, a day to celebrate life and be joyous, surrounded by lots of children and meeting with good friends, who we seem to see once a year at these joyous occasions.

And amongst all these emotions, scrapbooking has taken its place. I spend alot of time questioning why I do this, honestly I really do, and this week I know why I do it. I made an album for Peters Uncle, from their 50th wedding anniversary. When I handed Uncle Norman the book, his eyes filled with tears and he thank me, he said " I have no photos of us, they are all of the children and grandchildren, thank you so much darling, I will treasure this".
On Friday i met a friend for a birthday lunch. I had no idea what to give her, so I made a layout of her son and framed it. When I handed her the framed layout, her eyes filled with tears, and she told me this is the nicest gift anyone has given her. (also this weeks Pencil Lines layout)

Scrapbooking does have a place in my life, and will always have a place in my families life to bring back the good memories.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend, remember to enjoy each moment with your love ones, hug someone close to you now
Anna x
I have been really busy finishing off some important "stuff" and it has eventually been boxed and is winging its way to a very important destination. please everyone, wish me good luck and lots of positive vibes, its all i can say and ask for at the moment....

I am scrapping this photo tomorrow, for his mums birthday present. I am really nervous as she is always asking me what it is i do all day in my "studio"and has been pestering me to see some work for ages!. So I thought I would scrap this photo i took of her son , frame it and present it to her at lunch tomorrow. Fingers crossed she likes it!
And i fell across this photo of Izzy. She looks so young and child like. I love it so much, must scrap it and journal how i feel, as she is growing up so fast and takes life to serious at times!

Hope you had a good Thursday
hugs and thanks for stopping by
Anna xx

I am scrapping this photo tomorrow, for his mums birthday present. I am really nervous as she is always asking me what it is i do all day in my "studio"and has been pestering me to see some work for ages!. So I thought I would scrap this photo i took of her son , frame it and present it to her at lunch tomorrow. Fingers crossed she likes it!
And i fell across this photo of Izzy. She looks so young and child like. I love it so much, must scrap it and journal how i feel, as she is growing up so fast and takes life to serious at times!
Hope you had a good Thursday
hugs and thanks for stopping by
Anna xx

of training for the 5K run in September for MS :). I have been really bad this year, and I have been putting it off everyday for the past month, and today I decided I had to get on with it, and get out there! The thing is, I know how hard today was going to be, and how annoyed I would also be with myself. And yes , I was, all of those things, but I was also proud of me for doing it! So I am now on a regime of running every other day and yoga, aka, the Wii fit, on the other day. I am still really struggling with my weight, and this is really annoying me, like, really!!!!
I came home and did have a strawberry and banana smoothie with soya milk (cannot do cows milk, yuck!), so far today has gone like so;
Breakfast - fruit smoothie
Lunch - jacket potato and sweetcorn
Snack - fruit bread no butter
Dinner - Homemade Shepherds pie and yogurt
sounds good so far, BUT i went to the shops and filled my basket with chocolate! WHY??? I just pray I can resist. I seem to have an obsession with filling my cupboards with what i shouldn't eat :(
Apart from eating and running, I did manage a layout for ScrapMuse, and also completed a CJ, Sandie it is really winging its way to you 1st class, promise.
Tonight I am settling down to a night in front of the TV for The Apprentice, so love that program!
BTW, did i ever tell you Peter auditioned for The Apprentice as a joke and did get through 3 stages of interviewing!
Hugs and thanks for stopping by
Anna xx
Pencil Lines went live last night, with another one of our winners from the sketch competition we held back in February. This weeks GDT was the wonderful Tina McDonald. I had fun playing with more Pink Paislee (so love their papers!) and with the new range of Acrylics by All Clear. These 12" x 12" label shaped acrylics are amazing, i can see me doing a few more layouts with these!

I am now doing monthly sketches for Caroline at Bubbly Funk. Here is a peek at my layout for this month. Keep checking her website to see when the new sketch goes live!
Have you seen that Bad Girls are having a Summer workshop. 10 FREE classes by the DT and guests. I am the May GDT for Bad Girls and I have been asked to do a class, which I am thrilled about. Do pop over and see what is going on.

And finally, Thursday is the final of American Idol, and I am rooting for David Cooke!!!

Thanks for stopping by
Anna x
Ali and Annie!

I spent a whole day with Annie, scrapbooking!! It has never been known. We both had a mini book kit by Ali Edwards , and it was our mission to complete it, and complete we did. Mine was to my girls from me, with some heartfelt journaling. Hopefully they will appreciate it in years to come, (unlike Dean, LOL, i am sure Annie will blog about this). My day started when I arrived at Annie's, to homemade delicious apple tart with a franzipan middle, OMG this was to die for and melted in the mouth, still after 2 slices, hehehe. Lunch was the most gorgeous filo pastry tart with Gruyere cheese and asparagus, definitely one i will be cooking at home. I absolutely adored this.

After a lovely day scrapping and being charmed by Miss Addie, I headed back to Buckden to collect the girls form after school club and take them swimming. Not before I made a mad dash to the shops for flowers and a proper pretty girls dress for Lilly's May Pole Dance today. I did find some flowers, although slightly garish, but Lilly's choice!, soften with Bazzill white flowers and some gorgeous ribbon that Annie gave me.

I am going to have a lazy weekend, snoozing , watching TV and scrapping
Hugs and thanks for stopping by
Anna x
Its been in talks for a while now, but at last i have moved from one side of the house to the other, a larger room for me and the girls. I now have an office and a studio *happy dance*. My studio is done, i now need to find a funky orange, white and bright pink wallpaper for the girls end of the room. I know exactly what I am looking for, whether it exists is another thing! 

So here it is, white kitchen units, orange glass worktop and hints of fuchsia pink ( need to buy a blind) The cute little magnetic girl was given to me by Sue, is she just the cutest!
I am loving the fact that i am away form the computer when i am, creating, it is so peaceful!

I am shipping out the May kit today, i still have a few left to purchase. Changes are being made to the monthly kit so look out for an email in your inbox this week
Have a lovely tuesday, and thanks for stopping by
HugsAnna x
I cannot believe I have not blogged about our amazing night last Monday!! Peter and I headed up to Nottingham's Rock City to meet Annie and Spike to watch Mark Ronson live. ,OMGG WOW!! Bloomin amazing venue, and amazing music. I have not enjoyed myself so much in such a long time. A huge fan of Mark Ronson, as is Annie, and a mad 5 minutes on the phone a couple of months ago, and the tickets were booked, hehehehe. But hey these make for the best nights, even though Annie and I had booked sitters on the wrong days! oops.

Now check out my little Rock Star! Guitar bought by her Daddy. This is all she wanted for her birthday, was a real guitar, and here she is playing away to herself complete with cycle gloves (also new for her birthday). just had to scrap these photos for today's Pencil Lines sketch.

and this one for Sisterhood of Scrap
Hope you have had the most gorgeous of weekends, I know we have
Love and hugs
Anna xx
"For she's a jolly good fellow"
On Sunday we had Lillys Fairy Princess party. I had an absolute blast putting this party together, which will probably be my last very pink, and very girly party, sigh.

We had Fairy champagne (pink lemonade with a strawberry in the bottom)in plastic wine glasses, which the girls loved, they felt so special! We made edible bracelets, Peter the tattooist did fairy tattoos, and then we dined al fresco on pink food! Finished off with cupcakes and gingerbread girls decorated by themselves, and then the birthday cake, which was a Victoria Sponge with American cream cheese frosting, decorated with mini marshmallows and sprinkles!

We put a gazebo in the garden (thanks Sue) and i hung gold streamers and pink metallic balloons from the centre. Each Fairy left with a BG takeaway box (party bag) filled with pink tissue paper, and jam packed with girlie pink surprises; love hearts, bling, fairy tattoos, pink bubbles, and a princess tiara, which i gave them on arrival. So enjoyed myself, LOL.

I abit of an overload of photos, sorry! Just loving all that pink girliness!
Thanks for stopping by
Anna xx