Yep, that's me at the moment. Pulling in the reigns when It comes to jumping in the car, and the food shop is taking a cut too!
Lilly and I have started our little vegetable garden, which currently resides in pots, but, this time next year we will be the proud owners of a raised vegetable garden! Peter darling, if you are reading this, please pretty please, we are begging you!

This years crop consist of, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, spring onions and beetroot. next year we will like to introduce some salad leaves and a larger crop of potatoes as well as some berries.
I am about to take some cuttings from my lavenders and rosemary, and hopefully start my nursery of plants to plant in the front of the house! I can hear
Sue laughing out loud as the name "Margo" comes to mind. Peter will be cursing me, thinking, "here she goes again, with another of her crazy ideas!". OK, so Sunday I wanted to be a Rock Chick and follow the Foo Fighters all over the world, marry Taylor Hawkins, but today I have come back down to earth and i want to be all Felicity Kendall, not Margo Sue!! (The Good Life, remember that?)

I have been a busy scrapper these last few days, finishing of projects. Here is a mini book I did for
Scrap Dreamie blog. I was lucky to have Prima Whisper papers and Prima embellies to play with. I love this mini book, I have made 3 in total and still enjoy making them. It takes only 1 piece of card stock or paper to make the shell, now thats being economical!

This is a sneak of some work I have done for TSBM, using Pink Paislee Spring Fling. Love that range of papers too!.

The girls are busy with so much happening at school now the year is drawing to a close. cannot believe Izzy will be entering juniors ion September and Lilly will no longer be in reception but a Year 1 pupil!!
Today Izzy had Pirates and Princess today. Now you would expect her to jump at the chance to be a princess, but no, she wanted to be Jack Sparrow. Recognize this outfit? Yes, its Lilly's, LOL

Maybe overacting a bit here izzy!!Have a great day, and thanks as always for stopping by.
Anna x