Wow can you believe its January 1st??. I do have alot of photos to share, but have not had either the time, nor energy to download photos today, I will be back tomorrow, with a Party Post! Instead, todays post is my WORD for 2009, see Ali Edwards blog for more.
Patience (ˈpā-shənz) is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances. This can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties.
- I will keep to my fitness regime, and be patient. I am not going to turn into a marathon runner over night! Patience
- The weight loss will continue, and I will not let the Christmas splurge stress me out. No-one forced me to eat all those chocolates and mince pies! Patience
- To have more patience with the girls, they are only children. I must not expect so much from them. Patience
- Its my big one this year, I am 40!, and although a part of me is stressing, I must not. I must look forward to this new chapter in my life story. Patience
- You cannot do everything all of the time, except help when it is offered. Patience
- Scrapbooking is a hobby, scrapbooking is a hobby, remember Anna!!!
Last years word was Happiness, and considered the crap that was (note i say was, past tense!) thrown at us and the Bowkis family in general, I think I did a pretty good job of keeping happy. The last day of 2008, sure was the best day of the year!!! With a most wonderful surprise thrown into the day! More on that tomorrow.
I wish you all a happy and healthy 2009
With love
Anna xxxx
Happy 2009 hun,I so hope it's a better one than the last.Thank you so much for a fab night !
happy 2009 anna and family, cant wait to see your party photos :) x sadly my camera broken at the mo :( xx
Hi Anna, Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for the RAK you sent me for Sketch 100 at Pencil Lines! I love that Tinkering Ink PP - just gorgeous! Also recieved the kit from Michelle at about the same time and that is fantastic too. Have a great weekend. Kim
Happy New Year Anna. Please come into our thread and chat we are all there still and waiting with baited breath to see what your challenge is for this year.
lots of Love from us all on the 365ers thread Mary
Happy New Year hun, I've picked my word too and it is REINVENT. Will explain all when we next speak xxx
Happy New Year Anna! Hope that 09 is much better for you than 08 - I am hoping it is for our family too! Looking forward to the Retreat in April - that and going to Florida are the highlights of my year to look forward to!
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year to you and your family - come on spill the beans - what was your wonderful surprise - I'm very nosey:-))))and NEED to know!!lol
Two of my fave words girlie... I draw inspiration from your post too!