Photobucket'>" target="_blank">Photobucket'>" border="0" alt="Photobucket">

About Me

Married to my soulmate with 2 beautiful girls,and our English Springer Spaniel, Suki. Living a country life in Cambridgeshire, whilst baking, gardening, and photographing our daily lifes, where they find a place on my scrapbook pages.

My little place on the web

This blog is just that, my little place on the web.You will find my daily (or not so daily, hehe)life, my love for my new vegetable garden, baking, photography and my scrapbooking!

My Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking is a way of life for me now.It has been for over 4 years. I love journaling, taking photos of my family and love colour and texture, these are all part of my everyday life and scrapbooking.

Bargain Buy

blogged by me domestic goddess On 2/18/2011 03:51:00 PM
As I start to move closer to my starting my photography business, I am collecting props and always on the look out for vintage bits!
Today I bought this old camera for only £3.00!!!!

So happy with it, and I am sure it will get a test run over the half term break with the girls.

bargain vintage camera only £3!!!

Yes half term is upon us. The girls broke up yesterday and I broke up today. need this break like you wouldnt believe! I am looking forward to starting my assignments for Crafts Beautiful magazine, getting stuck in to some projects with Such Sweet Tierney goodies, of which I had a delivery of some cute buttons and journaling spots today. I see lots of baking with Lorraine Pascale in the kitchen and I am sure long walks with Suki and photo ops will also be on the agenda this coming week.

I have updated my 365/11 today as well. I usually update twice a week. I am loving using my IPhone for quick snapshots that my DSLR would probaly not capture. Its been a fun project so far and I hope it will continue to be.
Snapped these pictures today when I picked the girls up from Nana's. Just wouldnt have captured these in the same way with my Nikon. Both photos have been taken with Hipstamatic app and then a filter added using Instagram app, which is FREE

Lilly chilling on the sofa

enjoying boiled eggs and soldiers!

What do you have planned this coming week? Have you made any bargain purchases recently? Do share...

Thanks as always for stopping by, dont be shy I would love to hear from you
Anna x

6 Response to 'Bargain Buy'

  1. suebaru Said,
    4:02 PM

    Love that camera! xx


  2. 4:33 PM

    Thatis truly a bargain camera, looking forward to seeing what shots you get.


  3. Zarah Said,
    4:50 PM

    Awesomely COOL camera!! You're gonna rawk the photography world, hun! :D


  4. karen Said,
    10:09 PM

    I read this today and thought you might be interested in the project

    scrapbooking at centre went well.Thanks for the stash.They've asked me to do it as a regular thing.


  5. Unknown Said,
    2:07 PM

    so pleased it went well, i will sort some more bits out for you, thanks for the link as well, off to check it out


  6. Anonymous Said,
    8:11 PM

    That must be the best bargain i have seen in a long while!
    Your half Term sounds like it is set to be perfect! Mine is manic...tomorrow is my first day with no plans so I hope to get some scrapping done (kids permitting!)
    Lou x