And that my dears is a result!!! Thumb a bit sore but I am going to keep this little sucker moving, so I can try and scrap tonight
Well I have spent the day loading lots of scrummy new stock, and the rest of the Angel Kisses, so do take a peek if you get time you will not be disappointed!!
Izzy has been an absolute angel today. Helped me pack orders, did some shopping in the village shop, held my hand at the doctors and made a lovely little box for the tooth fairy today. Yep my baby girl has her first wobbly tooth!!!! Crumbs she is getting all grown up all of a sudden.
Finally today I found a venue for my first scrapbooking retreat, so keep this date in y

our diary 23-24th September 2006.
Emily Falconbridge will be topping the bill, alongside Kirsty Wiseman, Annie Hafferman (tbc) and myself. It will be a fab and intimate weekend with just 20 of us. Lots of scrummy food, chocolate, scrapping and stash shopping at the Ramada Hotel in Bury St Edmonds. The cost will be of GBP180.00 with a goodie bag to take away as well!!!!
If you are interested let me know and I will pop your name down and email details to you after Easter. Keep checking my blof for further details as well as UKS and other forums
Ok so
Kirsty has tagged me :
Name: Anna Louise Bowkis (nickname at school was "spanner"!!! Now better known as "poshtotty"
Born: December 14th 1969 , Brighton
First Job: Waitress in a small coffee shop run by friends
Fondest Memory: meeting Peter on a dance floor in Whitley Bay
Last thing purchased: lunch for today
Wearing at this moment: do you really want to know? White PJ's by The White Company
Eye Color: Blue
Fish, Chicken or Beef: Fish, I just love Salmon, Scallops Prawns, everything
Movie: It's a Wonderful Life, a must on Christmas Eve with a box of tissue and a glass of champers!
Sound Track: Blade Runner
Retreat: Bed
Flower: Lilies preferably white, but I love pink Lilies as well
Day of the week: Friday, the weekend is coming and Peter is home early
Indulgence: Cheesecake from M&S
Ok now to tag someone, I tag
Donna Wilde!!

Oo nearly forgot to mention the cyber crop I did a couple of classes for. It looks like my classes went down really well, the girls who did the class were amazing and the interpretations were stunning, so thanks to you all for doing my class xx
ps : i still have a couple of kits left GBP4.50 each plus p&p , there are some tags and jumprings that are not in the piccie
See you tmoz blogettes
have fun
Anna x