so to recap shall we , just for a laugh
- mobile phone MIA
- debit card details stolen
- car exhaust cost GBP170
- creative scrapbooking folds
- computer still ill!!!
- boiler deceased
and to top it all off I had flu last week!!!, come on girls I have to be due some good luck don't !?
Had a surprise phonecall yesterday afternoon, Kirsty rang as she was going to pop over to ours before heading home today. That was a lovely surprise and she stayed for dinner in our cold house, slept in a tango spank cold room and left for Wigan at midday after croissants and coffee (BTW she does not like gold blend!!!, she never drinks the coffee I make her)
Today is the first day of the school holidays and both the girls went to Margaret so I ha

I have a gorge kit I have put together this evening, using the beautiful handmade and silk dew papers, complete with lovely embellishments and an album all for GBP25.00 (RRP 36.00) . Check my blog tomorrow for piccies (edited to add photo).
I have only made 5 up in pinks/purples/off white. I will see how these go and then I will make some up in blue/greens and then naturals. I love them. They will be gorgeous as wedding albums, baby albums, special occasions/holidays.
Spoke to Jennie today, the deputy editor of creative scrapbooking and she is really well, has another line of papers to design for which is brill news. So watch out we have definitely not see the last of Jennie!!!. Also it looks like Jo has some fab news, and cant wait for that to be announced as well.
I may be having a run of bad luck but it is good to see Jo and Jennie coming out of the magazine with positive minds.
I have started my healthy eating regime today. And there was me just about to write that I cannot get inspired with teh 21 day challenge, maybe this is the new habit I should be journalling about!!!
I got out my Gillian McKeith book "you are what you eat", OMG i was in stitches just reading the "poo" section!!! Yes there is a section on identifying your poo!!!, enough to put anyone off their dinner!!!! TRying to educate Peter is actually going to be the tough bit I think. He rang me at lunch time to ask if a pork pie was OK????? enough said really, bless eh!
Anna x
keep your chin up luv, things will turn around soon ... life seems to go like that! How is the back? Hope you are still improving each day. I'm off to swimming now, did manage to complete Kirsty's challenge ... it was fun!
and what a day you had...what you need is a cup of chai tea...a foot rub and a nice summer breeze!!!
Good things will be just around the corner Anna, don't worry! Yes, I heard from Jenny, good to hear Jo is doing well tooxx
hey there,
thank you so much for your lovely comments re my layout for Kirsty's challenge. i am assuming you got the link to my blog through kirsty which means she received my email!!!
can't wait to see who wins. so many fabulous layouts.
i've just been having a look at your gorgeous work. you are SO talented.
love sharon (perth, aust)
Anna....I'm not gonna have to check my poo whenI come stay, am I??!!?