This has taken me over a week to do, must be the spring fever in the air, as I have literally cleared out every shelf, nook and cranny, hence one of the reason I haven't scrapped in an age, so I am really pleased. Treated myself to a old wire shelf to put some of my bottles on, re organized my shelf unit from Ikea and now have papers in order, everything labeled and a scrapping space. You cant see in these photo's but I have an Ikea desk for paper work and the computer and a white bench the length of the room as my scrapping table. Feel very pleased with myself, although I cannot believe the stuff I have accumulated and hoarded in the 6 months we have been here, quite embarrassing really, or is it? probaly just makes me a scrap addict!
Today I have been marooned at home as my car was still in the garage, returned tonight with a whopping great bill off GBP420.00!!!! aaarrgrghhh.

I have actually got a layout in the process stage on my scrap table. But the reason it is still sitting there as I have lost that something that makes you feel pleased and exhilarated when you have stuck that final embellishment on a page. My Lo sits on my bare table, not glued yet, and defiantly not yet finished. Girls beware never go without scrapping for more than a day or 2, 3 weeks has been hell and I am a broken woman!!!
Busy day tomorrow as I am picking Kirsty up form the airport, cooking and baking all morning whilst Lilly is at playgroup with Margaret, and generally getting ready for Kirsty's arrival
Have fun!
Anna xx
Lilly is a girl after my own heart! Scraproom...nope studio (cos you is posh like me lol) looks fab...I made a big mess in mine today after tidying it all up! Now go get that mojo-a-flowing!
Im coming home darling. I am so sad witout my ellie - she is my world and my air and my soul. I cannot wait to see you again. dont get me wrong, I have had a great time but night times have been lonely. i have scrapped away the boredom ad now im due back to my lubbly country and my lubbly phone and friends. love you and the girls and the blog you hae been keeping in my absence.
Wow anna you want to come and do my room, I can't find a thing in it.
Studio looks fab!!
Bless Lilly
Ali and Levi
The studio looks fab Anna, well worth all the effort hey! (but...I'm nosey and wanted bigger pictures, lol!)
lol paula, it wont enlarge will it!
Pick Kirsty up!! Feed her pie and hugs from Ellie!!
Have a great weekend!!!!