Times are hard on us all at the moment, and sponsoring individuals and charity is probably furthest from our thoughts. BUT if you can spare a few pennies to sponsor myself in aid of The Multiple Sclerosis Society, I would be so grateful. I already have £350 towards my goal from the auction and raffle I held at Scrapping Angels retreat, it would be so lovely if I could reach my £500 goal by the end of the week. I am taking part in the annual 5k race at Hyde Park in London, and Sue is joining me this year, as I am unable to run the race. I am ecstatic to have her there with me, racing this year.
My fundraising page can be found here
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
Anna xx
I have had a lovely day with Sue and Em. We went to see Coraline at the cinema, which I thoroughly enjoyed, and then we went to John Lewis so I could pick up some haberdashery pieces and some wool for a shawl I want to knit,( see this post). We then went to Costa Coffee for a Panini and something naughty. A wonderful day!
I then came home and just couldn't stop crying..... September is upon us, and its always a crazy month. Girls start school, I return to work, Izzy turns 9, Karen's birthday and Sue has her big one this year in a few weeks also. I have the 5K race next Sunday, and Sue is joining me!!! (please donate here),and my crop at the end of the month. But in between all the hustle and bustle of life and celebrations, its my Dad's 3rd anniversary since he passed away, and it just hit me today; like a brick wall it came from nowhere, just wham!! I feel crap, i have cried, i have hugged my girls, my head hurts and I have no creative energy. I feel horrid. We have a big birthday party to go to, and I am supposed to be making 2 large cheesecakes, 48 chocolate brownies and marinating chicken thighs in a sticky BBQ sauce! Instead I am in bed, and have been for a few hours, i hurt all over...
I hope tomorrow to feel more joy
Anna x
I then came home and just couldn't stop crying..... September is upon us, and its always a crazy month. Girls start school, I return to work, Izzy turns 9, Karen's birthday and Sue has her big one this year in a few weeks also. I have the 5K race next Sunday, and Sue is joining me!!! (please donate here),and my crop at the end of the month. But in between all the hustle and bustle of life and celebrations, its my Dad's 3rd anniversary since he passed away, and it just hit me today; like a brick wall it came from nowhere, just wham!! I feel crap, i have cried, i have hugged my girls, my head hurts and I have no creative energy. I feel horrid. We have a big birthday party to go to, and I am supposed to be making 2 large cheesecakes, 48 chocolate brownies and marinating chicken thighs in a sticky BBQ sauce! Instead I am in bed, and have been for a few hours, i hurt all over...
I hope tomorrow to feel more joy
Anna x
Its been a while since I did one of these! but today has been full of some of my favorite moments from the summer holidays!

Watching my sweet Lilly curled up on the office sofa whilst I surf the net!

Lilly singing her heart out to Don't Speak by No Doubt on Rock Band

Izzy baking her first cakes, unaided!

Izzy showing of her Fairy Cakes with pride ( they are delicious!!)

My knitting!!!
How have the holidays been for you? Share your five fav friday with me, I love seeing what rocks your boat!
Thanks for stopping by
Anna xx
I have been busy the last day knitting away, and now have a gorgeous black bobble scarf! Lilly and Izzy think its hysterical and now call me Granny!! Lilly likes to help by passing me some "knit", better know as wool to you and me. Lilly now wants to learn how to knit, bless her.

This is what I am working on now, in a gorgeous soft pink!

Gorgeous patterns at Cosmic Pluto. Next on my list is this self stripey shawl!

Are you new to knitting or a veteran? Any good yarn sites and inspo out there that I must check out, do post in the comments :)
Thanks for stopping by
Anna x
The weekend has been and gone, and a busy weekend it has been. We have had 2 parties to go too! On Saturday we went to Peter's cousins after Golf party. it was a quiet affair, but lovely to see everyone again. Sunday our next door neighbours invited us over to a BBQ/house warming party. Our new neighbours are lovely! He is a magician, a closeup magician, and managed to have me completely fooled, and now the girls have been practicing magic tricks all day! She is a physiotherapist, which is such a miracle sent from God , for me!! I am having problems with our NHS service and am now hoping to go and see my neighbour at her private practise, even if its for one session whilst I wait to see my NHS physio appointment on October 14th!
(a random food picture from "snapshot of my life" project. This months theme has been food, and you cannot beat fried egg on toast for breakfast!)

(a random food picture from "snapshot of my life" project. This months theme has been food, and you cannot beat fried egg on toast for breakfast!)

We also managed to squeeze in some blackberry picking on Saturday. We came home with just under 1lb 1/2. Already in the freezer waiting for another picking session this week, and then I will start jam making! I love this time of year, waiting for all our produce to start ripening, ready to make jams and chutneys. Our lettuce pickings have been brilliant this year, with 3 varieties on the go, we have had fresh lettuce daily for at least 4 weeks now. Spring onions were really tasty and smelled amazing. Our dwarf beans have produced a good yield also. I am waiting on our tomatoes to turn red, and my lack of patience may have me picking them still green and popping them on the windowsill to ripen them quickly

The bell peppers have not been too successful, i think it was the hail stone storms we had last month that battered them. Anyone else had problems this year?
I have my winter seed catalogue and have enjoyed browsing all my winter wishes! Lots of potato varieties, winter lettuce, cabbage, broccoli and lots more to entice me!
Last night, Pencil Lines sketch 149 went live with 3 more guest designers from My Little Shoebox joining us. I designed a circular sketch that is perfect with all the lovely shaped papers from MLS. Do pop over to check out all the inspiration form the design team.
All supplies from My Little Shoebox.

I have been busy packing envelopes full of new sponsored goodies from May Arts and EAD for the Pencil Lines DT. We have some awesome guest designers, sponsors and collaborations lined up for the last few months of 2009. October see's our 3rd anniversary along with some fabulous news to share with you! I am very excited and I know the team are too, so do pop over and visit us, subscribe to our newsletter and you will not miss a thing!
Thanks for stopping by, hope you all had a lovely weekend
Anna xx
PS: check http://www.scrappingangels.co.uk/ for leftover crop and retreat kits for sale! Also I have some mega grab bags up for grabs!!
It must be my age, but can someone tell me where do the days go? One minute its Monday morning, the next minute, its Friday evening!! All the stuff I had planned in my head, the to do list for this week whilst Peter was off, all those things are still in my head and on the to do list!

I love this photo of Geoff and Sue, just sums them up to a tee for me!!
I guess that's life, realistic and hectic!
Lilly and I have been struck down with a cold, nothing serious, but I am a wimp with colds. i hate having a blocked nose, sniffling all the time, and that head feeling! I have had a constant muggy head all week, and have been sulking.
Lilly and I have been struck down with a cold, nothing serious, but I am a wimp with colds. i hate having a blocked nose, sniffling all the time, and that head feeling! I have had a constant muggy head all week, and have been sulking.
So what have we been up to this week:

Last weekend we had Sues' daughter, Holly over to stay. DVD's, sweets and treats were the order of the weekend, and a walk around the field. the farmer was harvesting the corn and at the top of "our" field was the most enormous hay stack!
After Holly went home, Lilly got her bike out and mastered riding on her own, unaided and no stabilizers. She looks so cute with her helmet on and gloves. She cracks me up, as she sits on her bike, revving it up like a motorbike before she sets off! Has me in complete hysterics every time, bless her...

Monday we went out shopping for some bits and bobs for the downstairs toilet. We have had it redecorated due to a leak and I wanted a new guest towel and pee mat! LOL
But in true style, we returned home with more then what we went out for, and a new armchair, 6 new cushions and a standing lamp have a new home too! We had a new sofa delivered a few weeks back, so new cushions were needed, honest! I must take some photos, i love my new corner with the armchair. Oh we also came back with 4 water pistols for £4.00! Alot of fun has been had!

Tuesday we headed off to the Natural History Museum in London. Amazing museum, and completely free as well. The dinosaur hall is jaw dropping! I did take photos, but the lighting conditions are not the best. We left the museum at 5pm and headed over to Kensington Gardens to see Peter Pan. Well i cannot recommend this enough, truly magnificent and totally magical. Lilly and I were in our element. I cannot decide which was my favourite part, although when Peter Pan and the Darling children fly for the first time was amazing, and when we had to call out "I believe in fairies" to save Tink, did cause a few wet eyes!

Tuesday we headed off to the Natural History Museum in London. Amazing museum, and completely free as well. The dinosaur hall is jaw dropping! I did take photos, but the lighting conditions are not the best. We left the museum at 5pm and headed over to Kensington Gardens to see Peter Pan. Well i cannot recommend this enough, truly magnificent and totally magical. Lilly and I were in our element. I cannot decide which was my favourite part, although when Peter Pan and the Darling children fly for the first time was amazing, and when we had to call out "I believe in fairies" to save Tink, did cause a few wet eyes!

Wednesday was chill day, as we got home really late the previous night.
On Thursday we went over to The Deacons for a scrummy BBQ, cider ,the most delicious lemon torte and some "Piggy in the Middle". Of course i had to join in, and my back is a little sore this morning, but so worth it, LOL. I am sure there is some dreadful photo of my bum to be found on Sues camera, whilst ducking from Hollys ferocious ball throwing! I am just praying it will not find the light of day on her blog!
Photo's are pretty dull, due to the late hour and lack of light. it's times like these I wish we had that gorgeous USA light!

I love this photo of Geoff and Sue, just sums them up to a tee for me!!
Up to present day, relaxing, a little scrapping and a dinner of sausages, mash potato, onion gravy and Yorkshire puds for dinner! Not bad eh!
Thanks for stopping by
Anna xx
I said I would be blogging today, proper blogging, with pictures, and things to tell you about, stuff to show you, blah blah blah. But I have been having to much fun at The Deacons and wishing I was a Soul Mama and a Pioneer Woman... well one can dream cant one!
Think I may try my hand at making some pesto tomorrow! There is a soul mama in me somewhere!!
Until tomorrow my blogging friends....
Anna xx
Think I may try my hand at making some pesto tomorrow! There is a soul mama in me somewhere!!
Until tomorrow my blogging friends....
Anna xx
My lack of blogging has been due to a busy few days. Peter is off at the moment and we have been out and about!

I will resume blogging again tomorrow with updates on Lilly, who can now ride her bike without stabilizers!, and our amazing day in London and Peter Pan. Go book now!!

I will leave you with my Pencil Lines card from Sunday.
Supplies are My Little Shoebox and blank card from Paper Mania. Ribbon from my stash
Thanks for stopping by
Anna x

For 2 weeks, here in the UK, kids go free to the theatre per full paying adult! Check out Ticket Master for theatres and shows that are participating.
Peter is on holiday now for a week, and we are off to the Natural History Museum on Tuesday. I thought how wonderful it would be to end our day in London with a musical. Unfortunately "The Lion King" is sold out, which i really wanted to see. I continued browsing and saw Peter Pan was still on. This is no ordinary show, it is held in the grounds of Kensington Garden on a circular stage. We have booked tickets for the evening performance. I cannot wait and will keep it a surprise for the children! They even do deluxe picnics to order for adults and children! Peter wont pay the £90 though for us, LOL!!!
And whilst we were booking theatre tickets, we have booked tickets to see Ross Noble in London next month.
We have a full house tonight, with Sues daughter, Holly staying at ours tonight. they are all curled up in bed watching another DVD and eating Hungry Hippos! May join them....
Thanks for stopping by
Anna x
Regular readers will know my battle with card making! I just freeze and panic at the sight of a small piece of card that needs to be decorated, LOL.

So another fear I decided to confront this week, , cardmaking, as I headed over to CPS, a card sketch site with some really talented designers. I have totally enjoyed browsing their blogs and being completely inspired!
Anyways, I pulled out my scrap box, and played with some old 3bugs in a rug papers, and this is what I came up with!
CPS 127
Can you recommend any other card sites to inspire me?
Lastly, did any of you watch the meteoroid showers last night? Last night the skies here were cloudy and I was gutted. But the previous night, Peter and I lay out on the grass, star gazing for over an hour. It was the most beautiful night and we saw several shooting stars, but 1 amazing one, that bought tears to my eyes, it was so magical!
We are off out to see Ice Age 3 this afternoon! Have a great day, and thanks for stopping by
Anna x
PS: Please visit my fundraising page - link at the top of my blog :)
I have battled for years, years I tell you, trying to bake scones. I love cooking and baking, and can try my hands at most things with pretty OK results. But scones!! nah, kaput, no good! They turn out flat, dry and tasteless!

At the weekend we had bought some double cream, and it was the really thick stuff, like clotted cream, and I just happen to say in passing" this would be perfect on homemade scones" to which Peter totally agreed, and I quite stupidly, said i would make some. Come 5pm yesterday afternoon, i faced my scone fear and pulled out my cook books and looked for the "perfect" scone recipe. I crumbled my cold butter, i gently added my plain flour, and i kneaded my dough with plenty of TLC. I rolled gently, and remembered not to over roll, and I used my crinkle cutter and made 10 perfect looking scones. I egg washed, and I placed in the oven at 200c for 10 minutes, and I waited, patiently with bated breath.........
And here they are...
They were as light as a feather (note the were!!!),perfect with jam and cream, and enjoyed by all!!
But, I have a dilemma, what comes first......
The jam or the cream?
I say jam, Peter says cream. What is your take on the scone debate?
Anna xx
Pencil Lines and My Little Shoebox went live last night with sketch 147. I am so enjoying seeing all the interpretations of the sketch with MLS product from everyone!

I have been playing with textures again, this time on some photos of Izzy. Textures are a very personal thing, you either love the effect or don't! A bit of a marmite effect really, LOL. I love the aged and worn look that can be achieved. Its not suitable for all photos as I have definitely learnt whilst playing!

Photo manipulated in CS2, texture added and frame (Jessica Sprague)

Do pop over to Pencil Lines, as you will not be disappointed by all the eye candy! Please send in your layouts to the Readers Gallery. You do not have to use MLS on your layout this month for a chance to win the MLS RAK.
Here is my layout: A photo of Izzy and her Auntie Linda. Used lots of MLS!

I have been playing with textures again, this time on some photos of Izzy. Textures are a very personal thing, you either love the effect or don't! A bit of a marmite effect really, LOL. I love the aged and worn look that can be achieved. Its not suitable for all photos as I have definitely learnt whilst playing!
I love this photo of Izzy and the vintage feel!

Photo manipulated in CS2, texture added and frame (Jessica Sprague)

Photo manipulated in CS2, texture added and frame (Jessica Sprague)

Manipulated in CS2, texture overlay added and text.
I suggest a google search and Flickr search to be completely inspired by some awesome use of textures.
Here are a few of my favourite sites:
Have a great Monday!
Anna xx

No introduction is needed really, as many of you know I raise money throughout the year for the MS Society, a charity very close to my heart. I lost my dad nearly 3 years ago to this dreadful disease.
Its that time of year, where I am looking for sponsorship. I am ( more than likely to be) walking this years 5K in Hyde park London. I am disappointed not to be running, but due to ill health I am unable to run.
Please visit my fundraising page to donate :)
Many thanks
Anna xx
I am no expert on photo shop, by any means, and have no problems admitting I am a huge fan of actions. they speed up the process of photo shop and save a lot of time learning complicated processes! But saying that, its always good to know a few basics. This tutorial will show you how to lighten your photos, sharpen add some text, and add a texture for fun!
Yesterday, the girls and I went for a walk, and just as we hit the farm the clouds came over and it really got dark and gloomy. I was determined to still get some photos taken, and the result was some dark and gloomy shots! But all is not lost.
Yesterday, the girls and I went for a walk, and just as we hit the farm the clouds came over and it really got dark and gloomy. I was determined to still get some photos taken, and the result was some dark and gloomy shots! But all is not lost.
Download the class here.
This link takes you to my photography site with a link at the bottom, as I have no idea how to pop the scraeen shots into blogger :(.
Happy photo playing!
Anna xx
I have been one busy gal, being creative in The Studio all week! The girls have also been busy creating too, LOL, and this makes for a happy mummy! The Studio is doing what I wanted it to do; me being able to work in my designated area, and the girls to create and play in theirs, all 

turn into this..

whilst listening to (this weeks no1 choice) Mary J Blige on CD.
Its been a good week, because the cleaner Liz came too... makes me very happy!
We have also been for a walk to see what the farmer has been harvesting and to check out the plum trees, which are not yet ripe enough to pick; we have plum jam planned for these beauties!
Today we baked some carrot cake cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, yummy... Unfortunately I didn't have enough sunflower oil and had to top up with olive oil, and I can taste that hint of the olive oil; they still taste good!
I have been messing around in photo shop with the photos I took yesterday in the field. As we set out, the weather starting to turn overcast and dark, and my photos were not as bright as I had hoped. I am going to do a small tutorial tomorrow on how you can make a dark photo like this..
turn into this..

with some very simple steps!
Before I go, have you seen Papertrey Ink stamps? I am totally in love with their "Everyday Button Bits"

Thanks for stopping by
Anna x