Don't kids just say the most amazing things! Mine are getting a bit too old for the cute stuff now, but they still amaze me. Every day when I pick the girls up from school, the first thing Izzy asks, is how my day went, and asks about the children I work with. Always makes me smile.
Lilly is a mini philosopher some days, and is still making me smile with her words of wisdom and BIG questions, like
" Why did God make this planet so wonderful?"
and me asking Lilly "Why are you so beautiful?"
Lilly : "Because God made me this way" just melts me every time.
Today we have had the following conversation, actually I say conversation but I didn't start talking, Lilly just talking her words of wisdom and thoughts...
Lilly : "I asked Miss Castell Evans today why school is so interesting. Why is it Mummy? Is your school learning interesting things?"
A baffled me has no intelligent answer and just blurts " Learning is fun " not an answer is it, LOL
Lilly returns about 10 minutes later...
Lilly : "Writing is joyful mummy, I love writing. You can write interesting stuff if you want, and you can make it make sense"
"Look at all my writing Mummy. I have wrote lots! and I have capital letters and full stops, AND it even makes sense!"
Oh boy that end bits cracks me up! Today my form teacher told the children, that lots of writing that isn't good sentences is not as good as a few, "wicked and wonderful" sentences. (our whole school focus!) So this really made me laugh, as it looks like Miss Castell Evans has said the same at some point, hence Lilly's amazement that all her sentences make sense! or so she tells me.
Aww bless our little ones!
Thanks for stopping by
Anna xx