This is why I love England, I love our 4 seasons, each for their own wonder, and autumn is all about the colours for me. So we walked through beautiful crunchy leaved paths, carpeted in colours of ochre, russets and gold. Trees were laden with sloe's, which reminds me I must go sloe picking this week!
We then headed around the farm area to feed the animals; the usual hens, ducks and goats, and Lilly was in her element.

After a morning walking, the girls took a "spooky" tractor ride, whilst Karen and I checked out what was on offer for lunch. Not dissapointed at all, we had hot chocolate with the FULL works!, yummy, the girls shared one as they were enormous. Paninis and sarnies were also consumed but the hot chocolate was definitely the talking point at the table.
We then headed off to the pumpkin carving tent, and the girls picked a pumpkin to carve.
Now you know me, every year I head down to Sue's and we all go on a day trip to a pumpkin farm for the must have scrappers photo! I couldn't make it this year to Sue's, so West Lodge Farm came recommended, and it is fab....... but just a bit scarce on the pumpkins!!!!
LOL, we did have a giggle, so no scrappers pumpkin photos for me this year! Contain yourself Sue....
The girls finished the day with some pony riding; Izzys highlight.
As well as a lack of "cute child posing amongst the pumpkin" photos, there is also a lack of " eldest daughter smiling nicely for the camera" photos. Instead we have a lot of this view....
We were all shattered after our day out walking and breathing in some fresh country air. It was home to chicken wrapped in bacon, "stabbed" with rosemary and a chicken gravy, baked potatoes and some green veggies, absolutely delish!
Well that's Day 1 over, day 2 involves lots of shopping *inserts wide grin*.
Thanks for stopping by
Anna xx