To sum it all up, food and drink was consumed in large quantities, presents were wrapped and unwrapped, I believe the best pressie of all was Lilly's Lego which we have all played with :), then we played pictionary and probably ate more food, LOL.

It is now operation New Years Eve Party.
I have cooked and baked to my hearts content.
We have:
Mini orange and cranberry cupcakes with orange frosting , aka Primrose Hill bakery
Mince Pies
Honey coated chicken drumsticks
Homemade sausage rolls
Later we will have:
Blinis topped with creme fraiche and caviar
Blinis topped with cream cheese, smoked salmon and dill
Tortilla chips loaded with chili cheese and jalapenos aka Nigella
Dates wrapped with bacon
and the usual sarnies, cocktail sausages,and our fav, cheese and pineapple, hehehe.
Last night we tested out some of Peters cocktails, always a treat.....NOT! Boy what a head we had this morning!!
I am going to print a cocktail list for Peter to offer our guests!
As usual it is a full on Fancy Dress, I have changed and am now a Queen (see last post for some clues on our fancy dress, but ignore the Southern Belle now!)
The paper lanterns have arrived, thanks to Sue, and we have fireworks. All in all I think we are pretty much set, just to decorate the house and finishing touches!
What do you have planned tonight? What ever it is, have a wonderful evening with friends and family
From all of us, to all of you, We wish a very Happy New Year
Lots of love
The Bowkis Family