Gee hasn't it been a windy day! We have had winds of 70MPH, and rain to go with it. None of which helped me do my 365 prompt which was " Me and My Shadow". 

Nothing much to write about today, or nothing I can think off, lol. Here is a sneak of a work in progress instead
Have a great day
Anna x
That is today's prompt over at 365, and one I believe has been enjoyed by all. I for one love cuddles from my girls and hugs from Peter, luckily Peter was still home this morning for me to grab a sneaky cuddle and catch it with my camera before he left for work.

I am off to catch up on some scrapping. I have an acrylic book to decorate, some gorgeous Rusty Pickle papers that I won, and this weeks Pencil Lines layout to do

Had my weigh in today, and sadly gained 1lb!!!! Why, I truly have no idea, but i am not going to get down about it, I am just gonna keep going.
I completed a layout last week that I taught at the crop on Sunday with photos of Annie's little girl, Addie. She is such a cutie, butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. These papers from Paper Jam Studio kit just screamed out to be used with these photos. Isn't she just adorable!
And a sneak peak of a layout for a GDT sketch spot I have. I used some old Wild Asparagus papers, that I adore. So love these papers.
I am off to catch up on some scrapping. I have an acrylic book to decorate, some gorgeous Rusty Pickle papers that I won, and this weeks Pencil Lines layout to do
Hope you have a great day
Anna x
Sorry, I hadn't realised it had been so long since my last blog entry!

I am so full of cold at the moment I am not really feeling up to a long post, so I will update properly tomorrow!
But have to say a huge thank you to all the crop girls yesterday, I had such a good day, cannot wait for next month now! Here is a photo of me (thanks Sue) teaching yesterday with a new fav layout of mine. Will post the layout tomorrow.
Also do pop on over to Pencil Lines for this weeks new sketch. A double layout that can so easily be used as 2 single layouts. Great inspiration from all the team as usual.
These have become my new addiction whilst the galaxy chocolate is on hold due to my diet!

OK I am off to snuggle in bed with my hot water bottle, chamomile tea and my book
Anna x

I am so full of cold at the moment I am not really feeling up to a long post, so I will update properly tomorrow!
But have to say a huge thank you to all the crop girls yesterday, I had such a good day, cannot wait for next month now! Here is a photo of me (thanks Sue) teaching yesterday with a new fav layout of mine. Will post the layout tomorrow.

These have become my new addiction whilst the galaxy chocolate is on hold due to my diet!

OK I am off to snuggle in bed with my hot water bottle, chamomile tea and my book
Anna x
I had a wonderful day with Annie and the children, and many photos later of Addie. Here are a few of my favs. (unedited as CS2 is laying up today grrrr)
The first bit of news is I lost 3lbs today, so feeling pretty happy about that. Purchased a new cook book as well, continuing my quest to find scrummy, family friendly low fat dishes for all to enjoy!
Tonight's offering was homemade fishcakes, with homemade salsa, green beans and broccoli. Pretty scrummy although i will make some alterations and add some fresh dill and parsley to the mix and up the qty of fish next time.
For those that asked about last nights Lamb tangine, it was delish and i have popped the recipe here for anyone to enjoy
Lamb Tangine
14oz lean lamb leg steaks, chunked
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 onion finely chopped
1 clove of garlic crushed
1 clove of garlic crushed
400g apricots in juice drained and chopped (place juice to one side)
1 lamb or beef stock cube
1 tbsp of clear honey
1 tsp Orange blossom water (optional)
to serve
cous cous
fresh coriander
fresh coriander
1. Place the first 6 ingredients and stock cube in a pan, season then pour the juice and just enough water to cover the meat. bring to the boil, turn down to a simmer for 1 1/2 hours - 2 hours until you have a rich sauce
2. add the apricots and cook for a further 20 mins. Finally stir in the honey, sprinkle over the orange blossom water and serve with cous cous and fresh coriander
3. Enjoy!
I received an email today with a layout attached, that moved me to tears and jubilation. I am not going to say much more before you take a look at it here
Some of you may remember i ran my first 5k in memory of my dad who passed away September 2006 after a 15 year battle with MS. I raised over £1500 for MS and ran the 5k in a PB. This layout has made me remember this amazing day ( that i am doing again this year) and that i must record these memories too.
I will leave you with a reject 365 photo, lol. Check out the 365 blog for the daily prompts
Anna xx
Have had another lovely day today. Peter ended up working from home, which is always a wonderful surprise, and Izzy was home "poorly", i say that loosely as it is miraculous how she recovered once i had made the decision to keep her at home, take Lilly to school and return! But saying that it was so nice just the 3 of us all snuggly on the sofa this morning.

I am really into my new healthy eating plan and cooked a scrummy dinner this evening. Pork steaks with a creamy mushroom sauce, new potatoes, green beans and courgettes. Now i am not a great fan of pork to be honest, but these were thin, and the sauce was made of low fat cream cheese, veggie stock and mushrooms so was really scrummy and light, not rich and heavy.
Tomorrow nights dinner is going to be a big favourite of mine, lamb tangine (low fat version!), bursting with flavours of cinnamon, cumin, coriander and orange and apricots, absolutely delish, all served on a bed of cous cous.
OK enough talk of food, lol, or i will start to raid the cupboards!

Picked Lilly up from school, and she was so full of beans. Wouldn't stop for breath in the car, had far too much to share with me. i have done a layout today with photos of my 2 girls amazing relationship. Yes they argue, yea they fight, but at the end of the day the love they share for each other is second to none, and one that i cherish to watch. I will upload a photo tomorrow.
I will leave you with my layout for today's layout prompt at 365.
Annie, I will see you tomorrow hun!!
Anna xx
Ever had one of those days, weekends, even weeks, where you don't want it to stop? This weekend has been one of those. We haven't done anything special, but it has just been perfect!
Saturday, Lilly and Peter had an afternoon together and went to the cinema to see the Bee Movie. Izzy and I had time together and went food shopping. OK so that sounds like torture, but Izzy is so into what we eat and cooking , so i asked her if she would like to come with me. It was so much fun, choosing meals, deciding on how many apples to have and which variety to go for. We then headed off to the clothes department where Izzy pointed out her "style" to me. This is so funny, Izzy is only 7 and has a "style", bless.

(no its not an eye, yes it me, and mmm, hadnt thought it looked provocative!)
I then cooked us a gorgeous Chicken dish, packed with flavours of coriander, orange zest and juice and cardamom pods, absolutely gorgeous!

(my sunday morning look, fresh face, pure just me!)
Sunday morning and Peter and I are woken by breakfast in bed by Lilly and Izzy!! Are these girls just the best!. Peter headed of for training and the girls and I baked all afternoon, cookies and cupcakes. (photos to follow). Before the baking it was photo shoot time, for today's 365 prompt, mmmm well i ended up not using the photos but boy we did have fun!Tonight I cooked what sounded delicious but wasn't so good. Lamb marinaded in cumin, mint, garlic and lemon juice, served on a bed of potato and pea mash with green beans. The mash did not go down well at all, and i had to re cook the lamb as it was still pink inside!
Pencil Lines sketch 68 is live, with a brilliant scrapper, and has been a loyal reader of ours. Do pop on over and have a look. Also here are my layouts for this months Scrapping Angels kit

Have a great Sunday, hope you had as good a weekend as I did.
Anna xx
I haven't really been up to much these last few days, i have been doing the 365 challenge despite feeling under the weather, arrived at weight watchers after a hectic journey. 1 hour to travel 3 miles! the floods here have been dreadful and many of the rivers surrounding us are on red alert. Its so add driving past areas that are completely under water, places we go walking at the weekend are now rivers. Anyways, I arrived at weight watchers, died with shame on the scales and am now committed to loosing the flab! My MS events calender arrived today and I am all ready to sign up to do the 5K race at Hyde Park and a 10K race, either at Bedford or the Bupa race at Portsmouth in October.
Either way i will be running. I am also really pleased to see MS awareness week is 21st - 28th April, the weekend Scrapping Angels retreat is on. I will be hosting a charity auction as last year hoping to break the £700 mark that we raised last year. Anyone who would like to donate to the auction please email me here. I am eternally grateful for the support and encouragement from you all.

Today i turned my office upside down and had a good clear out, feel so much better for that, and my scrap space is all clear and ready for me to start on a new layout.

I cannot believe Friday is upon us, and another weekend. I barely have time to recover from one day before I wake and another week is upon me! Is this old age or do you find the same thing, time is travelling too fast, my girls are growing up before my very eyes, and family i wanted to catch up with last year, i am now making promises to meet this year. Lets hope I can catch up soon.
I am off to read "Thirteen", my new book I was given for my birthday, cant remember the authors name, but a fab book
Anna xx
I have done no work whatsoever, which will lead to me feel guilty and stressed tomorrow!
Hope to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face the world. Have my first weight watchers meeting tomorrow morning , and i AM going, however groggy i feel
I will be back tomorrow with my 365 photos. Today's photo is one from the archives on peters laptop!How young to my girls look. This was taken a good couple of years ago at the Fish Quay at North Shields.
Anna x
Love the weekends, this weekend was no exception. Izzy had a party to go to Saturday afternoon, which left just Lilly, Peter and I. Time to spend alone with just one is always a moment to treasure. Not that I love one less than the other by any means, but it is always so nice to spend some quality time with one, and get the best out of them. Saturday afternoon we came home, wrapped up on the sofa and played chess, well Lilly and Peter did whilst i curled up on the sofa and read a book. Then as promised we took Lilly out for dinner to Chez McDonald's, her choice not mine!,where she dined on chicken nuggets and a McFlurry. Then off to pick up the party girl who was in very high spirits.

This morning peter headed over to start this seasons coaching for the Bedford American Football team, (terrible i know but haven't got a clue what their team name is!), whilst i had a lay in and did today's 365 prompt. "When in doubt, have a bath" by Mae West.
This will not sound crazy to any mums out there. But bath time is a time to be cherished and is golden. Sunday morning is my bath time, lol, all week its a quick shower, but Sunday is my time in the bath. I settled the girls in front of a DVD and i ran myself a bath, did a mini facial and just soaked for 15minutes, in absolute silence.
Made a cooked breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast for us girls and then settled down to a bit of computer time and scrapping. The girls have been pretty good today, thankfully.

Pencil Lines sketch 67 is live. We were very lucky to have been sponsored by Fresh Pages this week using lots of Scenic Route.
Journalling reads: A minute spent with Lilly is a lifetime of joy.

This altered Heinz tomato soup can is a project i did for Easy Craft Projects, go check ity out on their website for a step by step
Everyone is in bed now, I am just about to finish a few things before lights out, a little bit of reading time and then sleep!
Hope you all had a lovely weekend
Anna x
This morning peter headed over to start this seasons coaching for the Bedford American Football team, (terrible i know but haven't got a clue what their team name is!), whilst i had a lay in and did today's 365 prompt. "When in doubt, have a bath" by Mae West.

Made a cooked breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast for us girls and then settled down to a bit of computer time and scrapping. The girls have been pretty good today, thankfully.

Journalling reads: A minute spent with Lilly is a lifetime of joy.

This altered Heinz tomato soup can is a project i did for Easy Craft Projects, go check ity out on their website for a step by step
Everyone is in bed now, I am just about to finish a few things before lights out, a little bit of reading time and then sleep!
Hope you all had a lovely weekend
Anna x
Today's prompt at 365.

I chose this quote with no deep hidden meaning, it just made me smile, and it is so true of my little family of 4. My girls are the sweetest things in my world, but are a couple of nutters at the same time, lol. But then i started to think deeper, i have an immediate family i don't see,a family that have given me very little love and understanding (personally!)and have made me always feel like the bad nut in the family. My Dad and i were a tight knit pair, both being the bad nuts, but you know what, my Dad was a blooming huge Brazil nut, a whole nut, a nut that was hard work to get inside, but when you did he was the best, he was the sweetest!!! I think I am that nut, the same nut as my Dad, not a common peanut but a special whole nut. You just need to work a little harder, and be a bit more gentle with me to get the whole of me!
Here's another quote from The Foundation for a Better Life (thanks Annie for linking me to this fab site xx), so true and my new mantra in the morning i think!
“The difference between try and triumph is a little umph. ”
Anna xx
I swallowed a fish bone!!! My first, and Dr Peter came to the rescue with a stick and a pair of tweezers, although i did get the giggles before he finally got the little $%^£&* out!

I made a gorgeous dinner, of salmon, new potatoes and broccoli, nice glass of white Chardonnay when i started to choke! So glad Peter was home, no idea what i would have done. Izzy was out on a dinner date with her boyfriend, it was his birthday, ( they were chaperoned by adults!), so it was just me, Lilly and Peter. Anyways, no emergency rush to A&E thank goodness!

It has been such a dark and dreary day, i have not been able to photograph any projects. I have completed an altered tomato soup can for Easy Craft Projects, after being inspired by Tracie's, altered baked bean tin. I have a few layouts and sketches to get done this week also.
2008 has started well with a couple of GDT spots for me. Received emails before Christmas from my fav US kit company, asking me to GDT in April and then an email from a fab UK company asking me to GDT, month to be confirmed. Also I have a few GDT sketch artist spots coming up in the next few months for some US companies, and finally at the end of last year I got a call from Scrapgenie asking me to join the DT!!!! I am so excited about this, i will be going to Stitches in February to do some demo work along with the rest of the very talented DT.

April is Scrapping Angels 3rd retreat and plans are starting to be made for classes and such. I cannot believe how quick this has come round. Just waiting to see all the new releases from CHA before i can finalise classes. Tracie is off to CHA at the end of the month so I am going to ask her to keep a good look out for new and exciting lines.
Thank goodness its Friday tomorrow, so need the weekend, lol. Photos from the 365 challenge, are you still playing??
Anna xx
well i am busy, but seem to have nothing to share! The 365 self portrait challenge is still going strong, loving every day, seeing all the different interpretations. 

Sue is coming over tomorrow to help me with all the paperwork for the April retreat and to pack January's kit, which is gorgeous i must say! I am starting my layouts this week, just been busy with so many other bits!

Annie has a layout on her blog using this months kit so do check it out. I have been playing catch up on CJ's today, Sandie one will be winging its way to you this week, bet that made you smile, lol.
Really nothing much else happen, hope your days have been full of joy and laughter
Anna xxx
Do you have weekend rituals?

We kind of do, and as of 2008 one of those new rituals is going out for a Sunday walk, while lunch is cooking in the oven, sounds just perfect doesn't it!

Well it would be if a certain Izzy didn't moan about having to go out for a long walk, and not a short one. A good bit of bribery got her enjoying the walk and a new DVD with Corbin Bleu (?), Chad from HSM, worked a treat for the bribery!

Well we didn't actually have a roast dinner today as we had that yesterday with Sue and family. Lots of HSM singing, some Olympics, lots of giggles made for a fantastic day and I hope to do it again in the not too distant future!

Pencil Lines is up and live with the one and only Stacey Julian, how awesome!! and is another weekend ritual for me. Love waiting for the Sunday post to go live and getting all the wonderful feedback form the DT and you the readers. This week i used BG Mellow and Heidi Grace chipboard and stickers. Loved this multi photo layout, just cried out to be my Year in a Review layout!

365 is still going strong, here are yesterdays and today's photos, check out the blog for the prompts. Sneak peek of tomorrow layout prompt!
Tomorrow the children are back at school and Peter heads back to work. Going to seem really strange having the house back to myself. Very quiet and lonely. But, to be absolutely honest i am looking forward to it. Getting back to some routine again, we all need it!
And with that i must head to bed for an early night, got to get up dead early for me!
Anna xxx
Before Christmas I invited Sue and her family for a New Year lunch, today is that day. But nothing in the kitchen has gone right! I have a sunken chocolate cake, and the Lemon Meringue Cake has been made 3 times and still isn't making it to the table, why you are wondering?

OK , 1st effort, i forgot to take the rubber protection blade off and we had minced rubber in the mix!
2nd, forgot to add the egg yolks!
3rd, mixed the meringue wrong and had soup and not nice soft peaks!
So i have ditched the idea completely, so sorry Geoff, and have sent peter to M&S for lemon cheesecake and anything else he can lay his hands on!!!
Praying that we have a cooked Roast Beef and nice crunch outsides to my roasties!!!!

the 365 challenge is going great guns, love seeing every ones interpretations to the quotes. Here are my last 2 days. check out the 365 blog for prompts and the flickr group.
Yesterdays photo, was about the normal stuff and to treasure it. I was going to do a photo of me and my precious 1st cup of coffee in the morning, when i smashed the coffee cup on the floor, with peter shouting, "snap, take a photo"" ( the first time he has encouraged me to get my camera out i might add) me screaming back " i was trying when i dropped the cup!", well it was the mug or my camera! no contest really.
So Lilly and i are sat at the dining room table, Ali Edwards book in hand and no coffee. And there it was, normality that I treasure, Lilly and her silliness, Lilly and our cuddles and kisses, and that's how this precious photo came about, and a few other Lilly style ones!

Even if you cant do the photos daily, do consider using the daily prompts to journal a few lines, a few words even about your day, it really will make fascinating reading next year!
Be back tomorrow with photos from today!! and some sneaks of some projects
Anna xx

Every year my Auntie buys us tickets to the theatre for our Christmas gift, last year it was Snow White on Ice and this year was Peter Pan. I must admit that Peter Pan was far superior to Snow White. It nay have helped having seen "Neverland" the day before as the whole story etc was still in the children's minds.
After the show we did some sale shopping, and for the first time, Izzy went clothes shopping with some birthday money, and what a joy to see her looking through the rails at next, gathering up clothes and puting together ensembles. She came away with a bag of clothes for only £20!!! she was estactic and today we have already had several changes, lol.

WOW what a fabulous response to the 365 day challenge. i am finding you all over the globe joining in. Kathy Marie has set up a dedicated section over at Paper Jam Studio for anyone participating, I have also set up a Flickr group, and Mary Ann at UKS is also setting up a dedicated gallery for you UK gals!
I couldn't believe , when i checked my referrals yesterday, that Donna Downey had given the 365 day challenge a mention in her newsletter, from afar a field as New Zealand and Kuwait, all joining in the fun. Remember , you can jump in at anytime!
Thanks to everyone for your support and comments, it does mean alot :)
Hugs all
Anna xx
Wow, can you believe we are into a New Year already, I seriously cannot believe we are now living in 2008.

Had the most wonderful night last night, with good friends of ours. Karaoke, Wii, laughter, good food and plenty of drink was had. I will admit to sporting a rather spiffing hangover today. Mikes scrummy breakfast this morning and a high dose of vitamin C and minerals got me on the straight and narrow, and we then headed over to Mums for a New Years Day lunch.
We are now home, tired, and have just watched " Neverland" with Johnny "heartthrob" Depp and Kate Winslett, the story of JM Barrie who wrote Peter Pan, thoroughly enjoyed it and cried my eyes out.
I must thank everyone for their support of the 365 Day challenge, I am so excited about the whole concept. Cannot believe how the news has spread so quickly, i will be joining forums from those participating and getting round as quick as i can over the next few days to pop by and say hi!. I have now uploaded my photo for today, and remember to leave me links to your photos. So good to see many of you setting up blogs, just for this 365 Day challenge too :)
Ali Edwards is asking us what our word is for 2008, mine is Happiness. I am promising myself to keep on smiling from this day forth.
Leaving you with some photos from last night!
Hugs and a Happy New Year to you all
Anna xx