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About Me

Married to my soulmate with 2 beautiful girls,and our English Springer Spaniel, Suki. Living a country life in Cambridgeshire, whilst baking, gardening, and photographing our daily lifes, where they find a place on my scrapbook pages.

My little place on the web

This blog is just that, my little place on the web.You will find my daily (or not so daily, hehe)life, my love for my new vegetable garden, baking, photography and my scrapbooking!

My Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking is a way of life for me now.It has been for over 4 years. I love journaling, taking photos of my family and love colour and texture, these are all part of my everyday life and scrapbooking.

Shoot me down in flames

blogged by me domestic goddess On 2/02/2006 12:21:00 PM

Ok I know I have been negleting my blogger duties for the past few days, whatcha gonna do about it?, not come by and read me I guess *cry*. To be honest I have had very little to say; my week so far in a nutshell :

hair cuts on Tuesday
baths on Wednesday
no internet access Tuesday or Wednesday ggrrr
deadlines to complete
orders packed Thursday

so all in all a pretty boring week so far! So come on then spill the beans what have you blogettes been up too, it sure has got to be a hell of a lot more exciting than my week!
Lilly has playgroup soon, then I am coming home to make cards for a couple of friends birthdays (they know who they are;) ), then off to pick the girls up and then a flying visit to Dad.
I am on some new tablets to try and sort out my sleep pattern and stuff. All it has done is have me zombied until at least 11.30am every morning, so tonight I am going to take them much earlier so I am not useless until midday tomorrow!
These 2 piccies are a layout and a canvas I did with the Scrapping Angels kit from the sunday crop
hugs bloggetes
Anna x

1 Response to 'Shoot me down in flames'

  1.'> 5:22 PM

    Good to see you again.

    Normal, everyday things can have their charm too. Like my ds´s smile when he got back from his hair cut (in that "mom, I look nice, don´t I?" manner :D )